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时间:2021-09-26   来源:总结   点击:   投诉建议


  祝福语是指对人们的美好祝福的语句。祝福语在社会发展中已经不是仅限于在节日和宴会上出现,常见的情侣互发手机信息祝福,天气冷暖变化问候祝福,朋友日常间的鼓励祝福,每天的清晨问候祝福等等。中国文库网今天为大家精心准备了2021年国庆节手抄报祝福语英文 ,希望对大家有所帮助!


 1. Stand guard with a steel gun in hand and protect the motherland forever. Practice hard to protect your home and kill the enemy on the battlefield. Blood and tears cast a hero's soul, asking for no reward and carrying heavy tasks. Good son Lang, who built the army on August 1st, wishes the soldiers eternal peace and health.


  2. Guard the border with a steel gun in hand to prevent the enemy from acting fierce; You stand guard in the Gobi desert, no matter how hard and tired you are; You move forward in the anti disaster position and don't think about saving people's water and fire. Relatives, the people's Liberation Army and the people's children's soldiers, may your August day be happy and young forever!

  3. The mood is persistent, just like a soldier sticking to a post; Calm in the heart is like a fighter plane cutting through the sky; May you be stronger than a soldier and be an indomitable good man! Everything goes well and everything is auspicious. I wish you a happy August day.

  4. Friendship arms race: blow up a happy hole with caring grenades. Greet the bomb and destroy the haze in your heart. Use understanding to release the atom of happiness. Launch a satellite of friendship with a sincere rocket. Happy Army Day!

  5. Don't measure with a ruler or Dousheng. Send sincere greetings on special days; Sincere blessings for Chinese soldiers; A small message, with friendship, family and love, three love over August 1, always you first!

  6. This year's August day is unusual. I invite my comrades in arms to watch the World Expo; The Expo is really a grandstand, with everything to open your eyes. This year's August day is remarkable. My comrades in arms asked me to enter the field; Applause and cheers are always accompanied, and the preliminaries and finals are wonderful.

  7. There are more than three people in the army who study hard and practice hard. Military life is really not easy. They go to bed late and get up early and practice hard. They sacrifice themselves for the sake of the country. Today is August 1, military day. I hereby take a day off and have fun secretly.

  8. You are the fortress of the national defense front line, the hero of the disaster resistance front line, the hope in the eyes of the masses, and you are the most lovely person in the contemporary era. The Bayi spirit has cast your military soul. August 1 is your birthday. I sincerely wish you a happy birthday!

  9. When August day comes, I will give you eight kinds of happiness: happy career, happy wealth, happy health and longevity, happy peace, happy friendship, happy love, happy family harmony and long life.

  10. Green military uniform is the most beautiful color, and green military camp is the place of growth. Youth is spent here, and good times never hesitate. Serving the country and the people is our wish, and selfless dedication is the backbone of the motherland. The army building day is coming. I wish my children happy and healthy!

  11. The army day is coming. Load blessings with tanks, transport peace by aircraft, open the way with warships, resist troubles with chariots and launch happiness with missiles. I wish you a happy August day and all the best.

  12. No matter in spring, summer, autumn and winter, rain, snow, wind and frost, no matter how difficult it is, the soldiers always stick to their posts and silently contribute to the peace of the country. On military day, I wish the most lovely people a safe life!

  13. Only soldiers spend the years of soldiers. They know the hard work, and they know what to give up. But for the mission on their shoulders, they interpret the good character of soldiers with their lives! On the occasion of the army building day, I wish Chinese soldiers a happier Festival!

  14. Work is too tired; A look at house prices, ashamed; I want to get a raise, with tears in my eyes; If I don't want you, I'll be guilty. It's comforting to see you. No contact, broken heart. A happy life is right. Long live the army day!

  15. On August 1, the army day, sweet scented osmanthus fragrance, military songs ring, the people's army, the people love, defend the territory, love the motherland, valiant and show military power, a blessing to the soldiers, a happy partner on August 1, and make new achievements in defending the motherland!

  16. How many hail of bullets, how many frost, rain and snow, how many smoke filled the air, how many wind waves, the war flag is still red, I praise! Praise the people's soldiers and all Chinese soldiers. I wish you a happy August day!

  17. A military song, how loud and clear; A group of comrades in arms, how united; A persistence, how valuable; A hardship, who knows. The army day is coming. Salute the great soldiers. May you reap happiness in your strength.

  18. On the August 1st army day, raise the happy flag, blow the happy bugle, raise the wishful saber, swing the auspicious gun, cut into the troubled chest, shoot the sad heart, and remember our slogan: Happy August 1st, eliminate all worries and worries.

  19. Bathing in the rain of Nanhu Lake, bathing in the wind of Jinggang, dyeing the frost of autumn harvest, listening to the thunder of Baise, shooting the gun of Bayi, raising the flag of workers and farmers, showing the flag of pioneer, intoxicating the green of Jiaxing, the red of yangbaipo, the words of joining the party and burning the love of China!

  20. Success is the main force, happiness is interspersed around, health is charging, good luck is the backup, and happiness quietly surrounds you. As a result, all troubles are destroyed and successfully occupy the commanding height of happiness! Happy August day!


  1. A smile, two people's tacit understanding; Three lives of happiness, the honor of four friends, bumper grain, the expectation of six thoughts, colorful flowers and the gift of the August day festival. May the soldiers fighting all over the world live happily!


  2. Medals represent glory, military uniforms reveal solemnity, steel guns represent defense, and military flags bloom! It is you who bring us peace and tranquility. On this army building day, you pay high tribute to the mighty lion!

  3. The August 1st Army Day is coming, and I wish the antiaircraft guns all the same: happiness opens the way, and I wish you a smooth road; Ji Xiang comes to send congratulations. May you rise step by step; Good luck to surround, willing to "army" to the world; Sending friends SMS is true, and happy holidays bloom!

  4. The army day is coming. I, the little god of decay, wish you a millionaire Bankruptcy: I wish your trouble stock is locked up, the sad Valley is lost, the sad ship breaks down, and the painful birds fly away, leaving you only a happy attendant. God's blessing is very effective.

  5. I use cannons to beat away mosquitoes, water dragons to disperse heat, planes to airborne happiness, war vehicles to destroy pressure, aircraft carriers to make way for peace, and missiles to bring good luck in one fell swoop. It's August day. I'll give you a gift for your happiness!

  6. National defense construction is wholehearted, fish and water are deep, bit by bit, strengthening the military through science and technology, drilling and research, and refining the iron and steel will with a hammer; The spirit of the long march is inherited one by one. Every move of the mighty division, the soul of the Bayi army, and the mission of peace are united!

  7. There is a kind of day called sticking to the battlefield. There is a pursuit called loyalty to the country. There is a feeling called caring for the distance. There is a festival called "August 1" army building. Wish all the soldiers all over the world a happy holiday!

  8. A trace of romance, a period of youth, a cavity of blood, a cavity of boiling, an ideal, a lifetime of loyalty, a military brigade, a military soul. It's August 1st army day. I'll send you the spirit of August 1st. Wish: Happy Army Day!

  9. You didn't shoot the first shot of Nanchang Uprising, and you didn't catch up with the eight-year war of resistance against Japan, but you are still the most lovely person, wholeheartedly guarding the border and defending the country. New century, new stage, new mission. Military day, bless you, miss you.

  10. In the face of suffering, you hide your tears in your heart, clench your teeth, swallow that sigh, and challenge life alone with your weak body and thin hands. Dear military sister-in-law, I wish you a happy "August 1" military day!

  11. Hold a handful of white waves and listen to the waves of history; Touch the green bricks on the great wall and feel the smoke of gunpowder; Long lament the Xiaoyue outside Lugou to stain the memory of the past; Say a common voice and bless the great soldiers. Happy August day!

  12. In the moonlight, I pray; Under the sun, I bless you; I sing in the breeze; In the drizzle, I expect; When the meteor crossed, I made a wish: I wish the most lovely person "August 1" happy!

  13. The army building day is coming. I send you a beam of sunshine. May you be in a bright mood; Give you a drop of dew, may you be happy; Give you a breeze, wish you peace in the four seasons; I will teach you a lesson to show you a rainbow. Happy holidays!

  14. Our soldiers, with a warm heart, dispel the cold of winter. Our soldiers, with powerful hands, hold up tomorrow on the ruins. Our soldiers do not hesitate to exchange their lives for world peace. Happy Army Day!

  15. "August 1" wish you a spotless style, career, marriage, love, friends, smooth life, promise and fortune, and become famous in one fell swoop.

  16. Soldiers are the pillars of the country, the great wall of steel, the warriors who guard the border against aggression, and the patron saint who protects us from falling asleep. On the occasion of the August 1st army day, let's say: you've worked hard!

  17. When the August 1st army building day comes, we will sound the blessing gathering number for you: first, we will make a short message assault, occupy the friendship to the high point, and send you sincere greetings with lightning speed. Happiness has lit the sword, and good luck is landing vertically towards you!

  18. Celebrating 60 years wholeheartedly, everyone on both sides of the Strait is smiling. Although the three mountains have been pushed early, it is useless for the four seas to listen. The five lakes have set an open song and the six-party talks have a new chapter. With the entry of the seventh plenary session of the world trade organization, the August 1st heroes are safe.

  19. When the army day came, the army brought ancient greetings. The Yellow Emperor said: you are good. The Navy brought greetings from the Dragon Palace. The Dragon King said: come often when you are free. The air force brought greetings from the heavenly palace. Chang'e said: Bajie, long time no see.

  20. I know you've never been fat, but you have strong muscles all over; I know you often sweat, but faith is never chaotic; Know that you usually train hard, but keep safe and happy. It's August 1st of the year again. It's the most lovely


  1. The eagle chooses the vast sky and the seagull chooses the choppy sea, so our choice is: don't marry anyone this holiday, marry a soldier if you want to marry; If you don't marry this holiday, you should marry Junhua. Happy Army Day!


  2. The army day is coming. I, the little god of decay, wish you a millionaire Bankruptcy: I wish your trouble stock is locked up, the sad Valley is lost, the sad ship breaks down, and the painful birds fly away, leaving you only happy. The blessing of the servant God is very effective.

  3. Soldiers' natural and unrestrained, in the battlefield of war, use bullets to forge loyalty; The soldier's natural and unrestrained, in the training ground of touching, climbing and rolling, embraces happiness with ups and downs; Soldiers' natural and unrestrained, in the difficult Island border defense, use loneliness instead of noise; The soldier's natural and unrestrained, is the long miss, reposes all with love and true feelings.

  4. Soldiers enrich their minds with ideals, cast their faith with will, decorate their youth with green, express their loyalty with life, put their emotional thoughts into their backpacks, and engrave their responsibilities and honors into their hearts. Happy Army Day!

  5. The military emblem flashes and shines the military flag. The military flag hunting and military song build the military soul. Soldiers are a song. A military uniform, vigorous and resolute, hard style, wine red light, green heart, soldiers are a natural and unrestrained song.

  6. The most trust is given to the most honest person; The most sustenance is given to the most reliable person; The most sincere, to the most real people; The most flowers are for the most lovely person - the soldier. Happy army day to you.

  7. The army building day is coming. I am armed to escort the good luck of the whole life, concentrate on sending the peace of my life, urgently gather the happiness of my life, drive towards you, and drop a blessing bomb by the way. Please be ready to receive!

  8. On August 1st army day, the three armed forces wish you happiness: the Navy wishes you happiness like the sea; The army wishes you a successful landing; The air force wishes you clear your troubles. I also wish you a happy life as an ordinary soldier.

  9. The silent military posture is a kind of watch, watching peace and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains; Military posture without words is a kind of persistence, dedication and dedication. The military posture is speechless. It accepts orders, stands up with dignity, supports heaven and earth, and defends peace!

  10. The military song is loud and clear, every note penetrates into the bones of soldiers, and every word stimulates the fighting spirit of soldiers. The military song is loud and clear, showing cohesion and combat effectiveness. When there is a loud and clear military song in life, there is a soul stirring infinite brilliance! You are an unyielding Populus euphratica, you are a fearless Gesang, unknown without regret, and soldiers are a song of dedication. Military reform is in the forefront. Strengthening the army through science and technology and building the Great Wall. The military is excellent and wins. Soldiers are a song of victory. Political qualification does not deteriorate, there is no resentment, the military writes the spring and Autumn period, the military flag is displayed to welcome the white dove, and the soldier is a song of peace.









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