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时间:2020-04-04   来源:英语作文   点击:   投诉建议


  being raised in families that don’t have to worry about putting food on the table need not mean oblivion to our less fortunate peers. on this account , we would appreciate it if you could sponsor our poverty –relief endeavor . the following is how we would go about using the money.  we would spend 1500yuan purchasing some stationery for the needy students in our school .we would inform them to pick up the school supplies themselves instead of us handing the supplies out so that we wouldn’t embarrass those who we want to help . the remainder of the fund would be used to invite a motivational speaker who was to talk about how to lift oneself out of poverty by making right academic and professional decisions .

  modest as our efforts may sound, we believe they will warm some hearts . we would be much obliged if you could reply at your earliest convenience .

  yours sincerely ,

  li ming

  10)辽宁卷 (37)

  你校学生会招聘一名留学生做英语学习顾问,请你以短文的形式写一则招聘启事。 1. 母语是英语,汉语流利者优先 2. 解答英语学习问题,协助组织英语活动 3.每周4小时,报酬面议 4.联系人:李华 tel. 13011223344 


  english advisor wanted

  the students’ union of our school decides to invite an international student to work as an english study advisor next term . the responsibilities of the advisor include helping students to practice their oral english ,answering their questions , and helping organize activities such as singing english songs , english evenings , or lectures on interesting topics. 

  the applicant should be a native speaker of english . fluency in chinese is preferred . the advisor is expected to work 4 hours per week.

  if you are interested , please call li hua at 13011223344 for an interview . payment for the service will be discussed during the interview .

  students’ union

  09) 上海卷 (38)

  某海外学校举办英语训练营,开设了以下课程:园艺(gardening),烹饪(cooking),防身术(self-defense),护理(nursing ).假设你是王跃华,写封申请信,报名参加其中一门课程的学习。 1. 你感兴趣的课程 2. 你期望从中学到什么 3.为什么想学这些内容 


  dear sir /madam ,

  i am very glad that your school will hold the english summer camp which contains many courses , such as gardening ,cooking ,self-defense  ,nursing and so on .

  i want to register to attend a course about gardening because i have liked flowers ,grasses etc since i was a little child. i especially like playing in the garden where i can enjoy the beauty of nature . for one thing , i want to gain a bit more knowledge of gardening so that it can help me to major in the gardening after attending college. for another , i can realize the bitterness of the gardeners and treasure plants much more consequently. what‘s more , after graduation , i plan to devote my life to cultivate flowers and grasses to turn our country into a more beautiful state , attracting more foreigners to come to visit it .

  yours ,

  wang yue hua

  07)安徽卷  (39)

  假设你是李华,美国一所学校准备与你校共同办一份中学生英文报纸,该校格林先生来信询问有关情况。请你写回信  1. 表示赞成  2。提出你喜欢的栏目 3。简要说明理由 


  dear mr. green,

  i am very excited that we are going to start a magazine together . it in indeed wonderful idea and everyone hopes for its success .

  i would like the magazine to have three columns : news , teachers’ advice and students’ voice . from the news column we can learn about what is gong in both of our schools . in teachers’ advice, our teachers can give us such help as we may not be able to get in the classroom . students’ voice will allow us to freely express our thoughts and feelings about our lives and studies .

  i believe this magazine will surely strengthen our ties ,and i am looking forward to reading it .

  yours faithfully ,

  li hua

  07) 湖南卷  (40)

  假设你叫王平,李华是你的同窗好友,根据要点用英文给李华写一篇毕业留言  1。简要表达李华在你心目中的印象  2。用一到两个相关事例进行具体描述 3。对李华表达的祝愿 


  dear li hua ,

  it’s time to say goodbye . it’s time to recall those beautiful days we spent together . you are the very person who gives me a hand when necessary . you are the most considerate person who knows exactly what i need.

  still remember that night two years ago? when i suddenly fell ill, it was you who carried me on your back to a nearby hospital . you took care of me while i was having an injection. later, you helped me with my lessons. without your help, i would have failed in the examination.

  i still have hundreds of stories to share with you. i still have thousands of blessings for you. may all your dreams come true ! may our friendship last till the end of the universe !

  yours wang ping

  07)辽宁卷     (41)

  大学生活即将开始,你将面对新的学习和生活环境。请写一篇短文,谈谈你的打算  1。确定新的学习目标  2。改进学习方法 3。学会独立生活 4。参加各种课外活动 5。 处好与同学的关系  


  i will go to college in the near future .

  i will go to college in the near future. after i enter college , i will set new goals in my study and improve my way of leaning. .what ‘s more , as i am away from my parents, it is necessary for me to learn to live on my own , such as doing some washing and cleaning by myself. in my spare time , i will take part in all kinds of school activities , for example, i will often go to the english corner to practice my spoken english. in addition, i need to get along well with my classmates and teachers at college. i think i will have a wonderful college life.

  07)陕西卷    (42)

  根据材料写短文给lora .

  english horizons 第26期 总228期

  dear editor, i’m a senior high school student and i want to work part-time this summer .i think it is good to do so ,but my parents don’t agree with me .i just can’t understand them ,i need your help.


  i think lora wants to work part-time for these reasons. first , she can make some pocket money to meet pet needs and thus develop a sense of independence. second, she can learn how to deal with various problems in the workplace . third , she can build up new friendships and improve better social skills.

  but her parents may regard learning as an increasingly important task for lora. this holiday should be a catch-up time for independent study . besides , personal safety may also be one of their major considerations .

  my advice for lora is this : make a detailed plan for her study and work ; ask her friends to work together with her and tell her parents she can manage things properly . i wish lora a pleasant summer.

  07) 浙江卷   (43)

  在英语课上,你喜欢你的老师授课只用英语,还是英汉兼用; “how do you prefer your english class to be taught ? english only , or in both english and chinese?”



  i prefer my english class to be taught in english only. as we all know , a good learning environment is vital if we want to study english well. classes taught in english provide students with such an environment . when english is the only language used in the classroom , students will have more opportunities to practice listening and speaking . therefore , they will be able to learn more quickly. however , there are also some problems with this teaching method. as we haven’t mastered enough words , sometime we may find it difficult to follow the teacher. slow learners may even lose interest in english.

  practice makes perfect. to learn english well requires a lot of practice . therefore , i like my english classes to be taught completely in english .


  i prefer my english classes to be taught both in chinese and english . in my opinion , learning is a step-to-step process. as middle school students , we only have a small vocabulary. if the teacher can use some chinese in an english class, we will understand the lesson better.

  of course , an english class taught in both languages has its shortcomings. such a class can’t create a good atmosphere for english learning. some students will speak chinese all the time and can’t learn english well.

  07)山东卷       (44)



  recently i learned from the newspaper that normal universities belonging to the educational department would recruit some students free. as a return , the students must serve as a primary school teacher for at least ten years in his hometown . i feel it is a good news for me and i will contact the universities to get enrolled

  first all of all, as a farmer’s child, my family’s living condition is not so good, i can hardly afford the high tuition of regular universities . i am so happy to get this chance to become a college student and continue my study.

  secondly, serving as a teacher is my dream since i was a child. i was brought up in a mountain village .many of my little friends got poor education and they had to get to work as a teenager. if become a teacher , i will devote myself to giving them better education .

  lastly, our country is in great need of teachers , especially in rural areas. after i graduate , i will return to my hometown and serve as a good teacher.

  07)北京卷       (45)

  下面是一副图画,树上的鸟妈妈看着长大的儿女们飞走了,既高兴,又难过----, 请写一篇短文。


  in this picture, a mother bird stays in her nest in a big three, watching her babies flying away. i think she must be very proud of her children ,who are able to find their own food now. but she may also feel a sense of loss since they no longer need her day-to-day care as they used to . this picture shows very well the mixed feelings of parents when watching their children grow up. for my parents , things will be much easier. we will set up our family blog to post our photos ,journals and audios . once i leave for college , we can conveniently share our experiences and support each other no matter where we are.. their “nest’ will never be empty.

  07)全国卷2       (46)

  一家宾馆新开业,为了吸引外国宾客,希望在the internet上宣传,请为其写一篇介绍 1。地点,距白山入口处500米 2。单人间(共20),100元/天 ;双人间(共15),150元/天 3。热水淋浴 4。中西餐厅,咖啡厅 5。游泳池免费开放 6。欢迎预定 


  welcome to baishang mountain hotel.

  baishang mountain hotel is now open for business. our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance of baishan mountain . it has 20 single rooms and 15 double rooms ,all with hot showers . a single room is 100 yuan and double room 150 yuan for one night. your are advised to book  in advance. the hotel serves three meal a day and there are chinese food ad western food for you to choose from . you can also enjoy yourself at the café drinking tea or coffee in the evening . we also have a swimming pool , which is open all day and free of charge.

  all are welcome !

  08)浙江卷    (47)

  人们外出工作的方式通常有两种:独立完成和合作完成。两种方式各有特点。 请你以“working individually or working ina team “为题,写一篇短文  1. 独立完成:自行安排,自己解决问题   2. 合作完成:一起讨论,相互学习 3.我喜欢的方式和理由 

  范文 :

  working individually or working in a team

  there are basically two ways to get work done. one is to work individually . in this way , people can decide for themselves when to start and how to do it .what’s more, they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own .

  people may also choose to work in a team , where they can learn from each other and help each other . besides , they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.

  personally, i prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along well with others and to share my experiences with them . as the work can be divided among several people , it can be done efficiently . teamwork is always important.

  05)福建卷   (48)

  目前,学校存在少数学生考试作弊现象。请以“ my opinion on cheating in examination ”为题,写一篇短文 。


  考试偏多,偏难,多    mination "heating i nt.







  范文:   my opinion on cheating in examination

  it is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.

  as students ,we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us . on the one hand , some of us are lazy and don’t work hard at their lessons. so when taking examinations , they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers .

  in my opinion , it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. we students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in exams . what ‘s more , we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations .

  08)安徽卷   (49)

  假定你是李华,david 是你的美国笔友,他对中国鼓励使用环保购物袋很感兴趣,来信向你询问此事。请你给他回信。 1. 感谢他的关注  2.简要介绍相关情况 3. 谈谈你的想法 


  dear david ,

  i’m glad that you’ve noticed our efforts directed towards environmental protection. thank you for your concern .

  as too much use of plastic bags has caused serious white pollution , our government encourages us to use environmental –friendly shopping bags. these bags are made of a variety of materials that can be easily treated when they become rubbish. besides, they can be reused . more and more people have realized the advantages of such bags and started using them .

  i believe that the wide use of these shopping bags can greatly improve our environment .this is one of the many steps we are to make our country an even cleaner place.

  08)湖南卷   (50)

  假设thomas edison是你最喜欢的人,请根据信息写篇短文  1. 对该人物的简单介绍  2. 喜欢该人物的理由  3. 从该人物身上得到的启示 

  范文:       thomas edison

  born in america , thomas edison was a great scientist and inventor . he was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating . in fact , he was a man full of imagination.

  i admire edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world . he had more than 1000 inventions . in his life time, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to own the nickname “ the wizard of melo park” . he was also so diligent that he worked day and night . and this explained why he had so many great inventions .

  what impresses me most is his famous saying : “ genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration “. probably i can’t be an edison myself , but i can be a hardworking teamer .from him, i realize the secret to success is not when and where you were born ,but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.









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