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is this your pencil教案-Is this your pencil SectionA教案

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  Is this your pencil SectionA教案

  新目标英语七年级上册Unit3 Is this your pencil? SectionA (1a-2c)教案


  1. 知识与技能:

  1) 熟练掌握生词: pen, pencil, case, pencil, sharpener, backpack, ruler, eraser, book, dictionary, this, that, yes, no, not, isn’t,excuse me, thank, OK

  2) 熟练掌握重点句型:

  Is this/ that your…? Yes, it is .It’s my…

  No, it isn’t .It’s his/her…

  3) 学会辨认物品的所有者,能对物品的所属进行提问和问答。

  2. 过程与方法:

  1) Let the students know how to make conversations.

  2) Task-based teaching approach.

  3) Autonomous learning and cooperative investigation.

  3. 情感态度价值观:使学生将所学知识与实际生活紧密联系。学会分析,判断,比较,也要 有拾金不昧的精神和助人为乐的优良品质。



  1)重点:掌握句型Is this/that your…? Yes, it is .It’s my….。Is this your pencil SectionA教案

  No, it isn’t .It’s his/her….

  2) 难点:通过学习一些学生身边的有关学习用品的单词及重点句型

  Is this/that your …?使学生会对物品的所属进行提问和问答,找到主人。


  I. Warm up

  Task1. Let’s chant!

  T: Hello, lovely boys and girls. Do you like English? I believe you are very clever ,and you are the best . Please come on! Now let’s come to our chant.

  【设计思路】:通过与学生的交流及鼓励性的语言激发学生学习英语的兴趣,然后进行chant .

  Let’s chant!

  come, go , yes, no,

  this, that , thank you .

  his pen , her ruler ,

  my pencil ,your book .。Is this your pencil SectionA教案

  OK, OK, very good!

  Task2. Free talk

  First ask them to make up dialogues with their desk mates using the main sentences we have learned before as usual ,then ask two pairs to act out .

  Task3. Learn the new words

  1) T: Just now, you did very well, so I will show you some school things as presents.

  (Then hold up a pencil and ask a student) Excuse me, What’s this in English? (Learn the new phrase excuse me, then use the objects to learn pencil case, pencil sharpener, dictionary, eraser, and backpack.)


  Try to remember them !

  这 尺子 ,那 橡皮 ,不是 书 ,是 钢笔 .

  铅笔 ,铅笔刀 , 在文具盒里 .

  原谅 字典太淘气 ,不在双肩背包里 .


  3) Ask the students to do 1a,match the words with the pictures and check the answers .

  II. Presentation

  1)T: (Hold up a student’s book and say to him)This is your book .Is this your book ?(Help him to answer Yes ,it is .It’s my book .Then use this book to ask another student Is this your book ? Help him to answer No, it isn’t .It’s his book. Then write the drills on the blackboard and teach them to read .Make models with two more students and ask them to practice in pairs and then act out.)

  2) T: (Hold a student’s book and ask her) Is this your book?(She will answer Yes ,it is .It’s my book. Then put the book on the teacher’s desk and ask) Is that your book? (Help her to answer Yes, it is .It’s my book. Then point to this book and ask another student) Is that your book? (Help her to answer No, it isn’t .It’s her book.). Write that on the blackboard. Teach them to read, and make models with two students, then ask them to practice in pairs and act out .

  3) Sing a song.

  Let’s sing!

  Is this your eraser?

  Yes, it is. Yes, it is .

  Is that your dictionary?

  No, it isn’t .

  III. Practice

  Task1 1b

  1) T: Now listen to the tape in 1b ,you will hear three dialogues and number them 1-3 .

  2) Then check the answers.

  3) Ask how many of them did right

  Task2 2a

  1)T:Now we’ll listen to another dialogue ,and we can hear some school things ,please check the

  things you hear .

  2)Ask one student to read the answer

  Task3 2b

  1)T: Let’s listen to the dialogue again .The dialogue is among Tim, Sonia and Jane . Please

  complete the conversation with the words in the box.

  2) Ask four students to read their answers.

  3) Play the tape again, listen and repeat.

  4) Make up similar dialogues in groups of three.

  VI. Production

  Task1 Have a competition

  T:Now we’ll have a competition. First, I want to collect some school things from you .Who wants to put your thing in the box?(Collect some things )Then I will divide you into three groups .If your group can find the owner ,you can get one candy. The group that gets more candies is the winner .


  Task2 Collect some things from your classmates, then make up dialogues with them in English and find the owners .

  Task3 Write your dialogues.

  V. Summary

  1.Look at the blackboard and summarize what we have learned today.

  (1).New words: excuse me, pencil sharpener, pencil case, dictionary, eraser , backpack

  (2).Sentence structures :

  Is this/that your …?

  Yes, it is .It’s my….

  No, it isn’t .It’s his/her ….



  Tim: Excuse ( 我 ),Bob. Is this ( 你的 ) pencil?

  Bob: No, ( 它 ) isn’t. Ask Jane. I think it’s 她的 ) pencil.

  Tim: Is this ( 你的 ) pencil, Jane?

  Jane: No, ( 我的 ) pencil is in the pencil case. What about Tom’s? ( 他的 ) pencil is red, too.


  1. This is a pencil case. (改为一般疑问句)

  2. Is that her key? (作否定回答)。Is this your pencil SectionA教案。

  3 This is a pen in English. (就画线部分提问)

  VI. Homework

  Task1 Review the words and phrases.

  Task2 Preview 3---4b(

  【教后小结】:这节课的生词比较多,学生学习起来有点困难,但是学生对于yes, no, this, that, thank you, my, your, his, her, pen, pencil, book, ruler, OK这些单词他们都已经很熟悉了,所以就把他们设计在chant里,既活跃了课堂气氛,又使学生尽快进入学习英语的状态,同时复习了这些单词,为后面的学习做好铺垫。同时通过小组竞赛,又培养了学生的合作意识和团队精神。


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