
发布时间:2019-02-09 07:15:11   来源:文档文库   




一、 宏观性评价





beautiful.clear. wonderful.good hand-writing.

you’re careful of using pronunciation.

glad to see your improvement in handwriting.

i’m expecting clearer/more beautiful hand-writing from you next time. you’d better pay more attention to word order.

better be more careful of your spelling.

it’s important to compose a graft beforehand.


i appreciate your handwriting.

you have a good knowledge of english proverbs.

you are quite aware of making meaningful sentences.

you are richer than others in collecting and using typical sentences and idioms.

i’m expecting greater progress from you in writing .come on.

if you need my help,never hesitate to come to me.


hard work leads to success.

not to advance is to go back.

no one is without faults.

keeping is harder than winning.keep it up.

二、 微观写作技能方面的评语


it’s proper to use the proverb in para.2 quite clever.

you are good at using attributive clauses in your writing.

the “struck” sentence is perfectly used.

you’d better use “third person” in the first para.

it’s good to use the past tense in your writing.



what a wonderful sentence using “cover”.

it’s really clever of you to use this beautiful sentence.

the inverted sentence is well wtitten.


a good beginning.

a perfect ending.

well-organized. perfectly-expanded.

the first para. makes a good beginning.

the last para. makes a perfect ending.

all the points have been covered.

it’s clever of you to use a topic sentence at the beginning of a para. it’s wonderful to use proper conjunctions between sentences.

you are good at developing para.

you have made great progress in developing passage.

i am glad to see the sentence conherence in your last para.

better pay more attention to the relationship between sentences. it’s really wonderful to start/end your sentences with adverbials.








●great! / nice! / perfect! / good! / very good! / wonderful!

/ correct! / excellent! / careless! / unclear! / untidy!

b. 短语:

●well done! / neat and tidy! / very nice! /quite correct! /quit

e ok (okay)! /well-written! /just so- so. /far from correct. /so careless!


● your english is excellent.

● i wish you would work harder.

● how i wish you would be more careful.

● pay attention to your spelling.


●practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧

●where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成

●a good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

● a man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学问。

●a man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 一心不能二用。 ●care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。 ●complacency is the enemy of study. 学习的敌人是自己的满足。 ● confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.


●industry is the parent of success. 勤奋是成功之母。

●.never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.


.●.diligence is the mother of good fortune. 勤勉是好运之母。●failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母

e. 句型:

●thats ok! / that’s all right! / thats wrong.

what a good job you have done!

/what a good boy you are! /

●how carefully youve worked! /how nice your work is!

●now you can do better than before.

●your handwriting is excellent!

●your english will become better if you work harder.

● it is clever of you to do so. /its nice of you to say so.

/its careless of you to write this way.

●youve done so nicely. /youve made such a careless mistake!

●try to do better next time! /see what youve done! /

correct your mistakes. /dont do that again!

● i find youve made a lot of progress!

i think you can work more carefully next time.

i m sorry youve made so many mistakes in your work.

● your handwriting is not so nice as maggies.

youve done better than last time.

you can do best of all if you try harder.

f .段落:

●although you have not been successful, you have done better than ever

success belongs to the diligent learners. i am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practicing your spoken english.


“what a beautiful handwriting! if only be more careful!”


“well done! but would you please improve your handwriting?”

(做得很好!再设法改善一下你的书 法怎么样?)

“im so glad to see your great progress in your exercises.”


“im pleased that you have made so great progress now. thank you!

(很高兴看见你现在取得 这么大的进步。谢谢你!)

“try again; im sure you will do better next time!”


“well done! try to be better next time, will you?”


“if only your handwriting were better! ”


“how i wish you did your homework all by yourself! i think you can!”

(我多希望你能自己 完成作业啊!我相信你能做到。)

“would you please pay attention to???”(请你注意……好吗?) “im afraid you used chinglish here, do you think so?”

(恐怕你在这儿用的是中国式英语, 你说呢?)

“chinglish ”“chinese english”的幽默说法)

“i’ve found your handwriting is better than before. thank you!”

(我已发现你的字比以前 好了,谢谢你!)

“wonderful in spite of a few mistakes! you have made progress now!”

(好极了!尽管有点小 错,但你已经进步了!)


自上初三以来, 许多同学便开始抱怨, 英语怎么这么难学了 课文也难了, 语法也不是一看就会了, 明显感觉难度加大了很多!好多同学也开始慢慢的对英语失去了兴趣,有的就干脆开始放弃英语了。 这时候, 学校领导要求老师们在批改作业的时候要适当的加些鼓励性的评语。 对啊 ,我何不利用写作业评语的方法来激励某些同学呢! 还记得初一初二时的英语作业, 每次要么就是听写单词,短语,要么就是抄课文,翻译课文。每次都是一个呆板的“pass”“aa-b+...” 看多了学生也就觉得乏味,麻木了.觉得作业只是一件任务,只忙于去应付作业,久而久之便会慢慢地对英语失去了兴趣。


“i believe you can do it better next time!”

“you must believe in yourself!”

“you have made much progresswork harder and you will realize

your dream.”





1. 温故而知新 希望你的英语成绩会上升的

4. dno‘t give up

6. 英语写得多,记得牢,成绩才会提高。

8. 懒惰要不得,勤奋才重要!

9. 只要认真写,你写的会比我写的还漂亮,我相信你。

16. well done

17. excellent

18. 你真棒!我真佩服你。

19. 继续这样下去。

22. 你很棒!胜利向你招手!

25. 你写得好极了!让人看了就高兴。你越来越牛了!

29. 胜利之翼将飞向你!

33. 你永远是强者!相信你能行!努力吧,坚持就是胜利,爱拼才会赢!

42. 你不要懈气,俗话说胜不骄,败不馁继续努力!_------会的,我怕谁!

43. 你很不错,我相信你会成功!

54. 用心!你的英语会强中强!

55. 水滴石穿 加油!

63. 不错,下次写勾画的内容.-----用心 !没有最好,只有更好!

64. 打好基础是关键!-----要再加劲,写勾画的词语。

68. 要用自己最大的本领为全班创造奇迹。

69. 你可以为全班创造奇迹吗?

71. 越来越清秀了!没有最好,只有更好!

72. 要加油噢,不要太懒惰了!

774. 前面的路还很遥远,不要半途而废!加油!

76. 很棒,我相信你!!!

78. 要用心 你才会记住,我知道这英语单词你越记不住就越不喜欢记,希望你踏下心来 用心记!——挑战

82. 你真棒,继续努力!

84. 你是好样的。 志高则智高!

92. 争取把单词写得更好!

96. 成功的秘诀在于恒心!

97. 拼搏吧!

98. 继续努力,有希望!

101. 爱拼才会赢!

102. 努力吧!相信你的梦想会实现。——清秀起来了!

120. 一分耕耘一分收获。付出总会有回报的,努力!加油!ok! 121. 好勤奋呀!真让俺大开眼界,可要虚心,多多努力呀!

122. 看见没有,胜利在向你招手,你要做的更好,更棒。他永远追随你! 159. 认真+努力=成功

177. 作业认真,态度可嘉,坚持下去,就是胜利!

188. 只要多一份努力,就会多一份收获!

207. 志高则智高!树立正确的目标很重要。

208. 每天进步一点点,你将会取得更大的进步!——yes sir liu sir 我会努力的!

209. 收获了不少吧,再来一块儿肥田!

210. 小妹妹 棒呀,奖你一个好吃的! 画(四个大苹果)——口水三千丈了。

211. 你写的太好了!我奖你一个 画(奖杯)——谢谢。

212. 你真是第二组的骄傲呀!——老套 ——ho ho ho

213. 你真了不起!你是我的偶像!——多谢夸奖!

214. 每次都这么认真!你真是一个好学生!——是吗? 我好快乐噢! 215. 你写的真好!我都不知道该怎样夸奖你了!——太抬举我啦!

216. 未来之星,加油吧!

217. 你偷懒的方式好特别,坚持吧!——太贬低我了吧!对于明星来说,写成这样也不错呀!——再补充点,ok! ——才不是呢!我可是一个良民,大大的良民!两天写三篇耶!

218. 我真为我好妹妹写这么多而感动得眼泪鼻涕一起流,一个小破孩儿写成这样已经很不错了呀,为了鼓励你的丰功伟绩就要奖你一个小小的( 画戒指) 好好珍惜呀!谢谢!

219. 看你长得这么骨瘦如柴 赶紧喝一杯增肥汁吧!画(酒杯)我的发明! 220. 我是一个开心果,你是一个大炸弹!碰到我会开心,碰到你会成爆炸鸡可要远离你!——多谢小悦姐夸奖!我好感动!

221. 哇!写这么漂亮,我真感动哟!

222. 你一定要坚持呀!哇,我好羡慕哟,你真棒!

223. 奖励你一支棒棒糖

224. 看来你已经认识到写英语的好处了,可要继续努力哟!

225. 哇哦!太让俺震惊了,长此下去你一定会是最棒的

226. 你写的英语好可爱,像你一样飞起来了。

227. 奖励你一支草莓汁,你的成绩是对老师付出最好的报答,好好学吧。 228. 你写的英语真特别,一个叫小红,一个叫小兰,一个叫小黑,这三姐妹和睦相处,真让人羡慕。

229. 你这么认真,这么心灵手巧,真让我双泪长流!

230. 继续加长篇幅!

231. 老套!俗气!不过你很棒,大大的有进步!

232. 你的进步真大呀!坚持下去,你会和低分说bye——bye.

233. 你太棒了,我为你自豪。

234. 浪子回头金不换,坚持再坚持,你绝对不会是英语蛋白质。 235. hoho! ho! 你最牛!

236. 不错嘛!在认真点,你会写的更漂亮!

237. 你真棒,不过单词与单词之间有点距离。认真很难?

238. 要你认真写,就那么困难吗?

239. 让我真吃惊,没想到你会这么勤奋,草莓(图标),吃吧! 240. 我怎么觉得这内容怎么都千篇一律呢?

241. 内容要新鲜,别总停留在这一篇,祝你成功!

242. 拜托,你能不能换个内容?

243. 写的越来越漂亮了!——当然

244. 首挺胸 大步向前走 相信你能行!——当然能行

245. 努力吧 感觉越来越好!

246. 继续努力 前进吧! (冲锋号)

247. 欠债了,你的头脑不够清醒! 学习是你重要的部分?三思 248. 你写的字比钻石还璀璨 比珠宝还亮丽!

249. 老兄学到老 活到老还有三分学不到!学无止境 回头是岸! 250. 你的成绩会旺 一定会旺!

251. 认真是你的优点 保持!

252. 相信你一定会取得好成绩!

253. 手巧还要心灵

254. 不错, 是个好学生!

255. 不懂就问我,相信你,一定能行!

256. 加油 不能随便成功

257. 付出总有回报 加油

258. 你人帅 字也很潇洒

259. 下次把单词写清楚 ok—— 我一定写清 无条件服从

260. 真让我不禁双泪长流 你长大了

261. 棒极了 别松懈 继续前进

262. 你让我悲愤交加!小心 子龙他们会超过你

263. 唉! 聪明的小伙,加强一下你的学习方法

264. 下次写时,垫个垫板,这样看起来不太美观。

265. 工作量不够 吃我一拳

266. 没得基础是人的勤劳 双手是活宝 一世用不了

267. 把每个字母都放在格里不要跳!

268. 写下一课的。记住后就换换!

269. 字母可以再写大些吗?但是英语有进步喔!坚持!

270. 翻译呢?是不是偷懒了?

271. 字看不清~~这是为什么呢???

272. 你的翅膀还没有长好,单词怎么能飞呢???还有,多写点,多积点,勇于提高嘛!!!

273. 清秀了许多;继续努力!贵在坚持!!!

274. 相信自己!才能成功!插上翅膀,才能飞翔!喜欢重复呀!向前冲吧! 275. 别偷懒,别写重复,要多写多记考试才能及格!

276. 你很聪明,要是能单词写清楚就更好了!

277. 有进步!

278. 书写有进步吗?

279. 进步很大,加油!

280. 保持这样,你会旺!

281. 不用留批语的地方!谢谢合作!

282. 逆水行舟,不进则退。要努力呦!

283. 你只能得到66颗星。

284. 你写得真棒!下次也一样把字母写漂亮好吗?

285. 拍拍手,为你加油!

286. 快乐家族永远属于你!

287. 勤奋出天才,付出越多,收获越多。学做一个出色的男子汉。 288. 焦凯博同志 ,请把单词写工整,写美观。你也有上进心呀!


