
发布时间:2018-06-30 20:29:42   来源:文档文库   

121 extract = take out, obtain 提取

The oil companies are having a hard time extrating oil and gas from offshore fields.


122 extravagant = lavish, excessive 过度的,大手大脚的

Everyone in the office seems to be extravagant with paper.好像办公室里的每个人都在浪费纸张。

123 exude = release, ooze 显露(某一品质)

This picture exudes his true sense of fashion.这幅画流露出他对时尚的真实感受。

124 fame = renown, reputation 名声,名誉,名气

James Austin achieved international fame by writing each chapter in different styles.


125 far-reaching = extensive, voluminous 影响深远的

Edison had far-reaching influence on the modern society.爱迪生对现代社会的影响深远。

126 farsighted = wise, insightful 有远见的,深谋远虑的

Being farsighted is one of the important qualities to be successful.目光长远是成功的重要品质之一。

127 feast = banquet 宴会

There are many dishes to enjoy in a feast.宴会上有许多佳肴可供品尝。

128 feature = element 特点,特征

The feature of birds is to have a beak and feathers in their body.喙和羽毛是鸟类的身体特征。

129 foe = enemy 敌人

It was hard to tell whether they were a friend or foe.他们是朋友还是敌人,这很难判断。

130 forebear = ancestor 祖先

With the advent of farming, our forebears had to develop tools.随着耕作的出现,我们的祖先不得不发明工具。

131 forecast = foretell, predict 预测,预报

Meteorologists are forecasting more rain.


132 formidable = challenging 难对付的

A formidable rival was expelled from the community for the king to



133 fragment = part, fraction, debris 碎片,碎块

Only some fragments from the statue were left in the museum.


134 fragile = delicate, brittle, breakable, frail 易碎的,易损坏的

Glass should be handled with extra care because it is fragile.


135 frugal = economical, thrifty, sparing 节俭的,节约的

The eccentric painter wanted to live a frugal life despite his huge



136 genuine = authentic, real, unfeigned 真实的

We need more detailed observation to find out whether the proof is

genuine or not.


137 germinate = sprout, burgeon, grow 发芽

Seeds sown in the fall will begin to germinate the following spring.


138 grasp = understand, comprehend, apprehend, figure

out, catch on to 理解,领会

It is so hard to grasp the meaning of life.


139 gratify = satisfy, delight, appease, please 满足

Parents should try to gratify their childrens needs moderately in order

not to spoil or frustrate them.


140 hallmark = feature, characteristic 特征,特点

His latest work bears all the hallmarks of the current society.


151 in any case = regardless 无论如何,不管怎样

In any case, there is another chance to challenge higher goals.无论如何,还有别的机会可以挑战更高的目标。

152 incidentally = by chance 偶然地

Police found a great number of drugs incidentally under investigations.警察在调查中偶然地发现了大量毒品。

153 incorporate = include 包含

Incorporating revisions in a written text is the next thing to do.修订书面文本是接下来要做的事情。

154 incredible = amazing, stunning, astonishing 难以置信的

My grandfather told me an incredible story about the World War II.我爷爷给我讲述了一个让人难以置信的二战故事。

155 ineffective = useless, ineffectual 无效果的,不起作用的

The majority system was outdated and ineffective in this situation.在这种情况下,大部分系统都陈旧过时、效率低下。

156 inherent = innate, hereditary 固有的,内在的

Identical twins have inherent features from their parents.


157 inhibit = prohibit 阻止,抑制

The writer claimed that his diabetes inhibited him from devoting himself to the nextwork.


158 initiate = start 发起

Initiating a conversation between strangers needs much energy.与陌生人发起对话会很费力。

159 instantly = immediately 立即,马上

Visitors are instantly enchanted by intricate designs of castles in



160 instead of = in lieu of 而不是

Many experts will depend on what is directly proved from experiments

instead of what is assumed.


161 instrument = method, tool 器械,器具

Doctors should be good at using surgical instruments.医生应该擅长使用外科(手术)器械。

162 intact = undamaged, unimpaired 完好无损的

Fortunately, the typhoon left many succulent fruits intact.幸运的是,台风过后许多汁水丰富的水果完好无损。

163 in terms of = from the aspect of 在…方面

In terms of quality, many products manufactured in the countries in South-East Asia are not satisfactory.许多东南亚地区制造的产品在质量方面都不符合要求。

164 intervene = interfere 干预,介入,插手

America intervened in international matters to hold its power.美国通过干预国际事务来维护自己的势力。

165 intricate = complicated 错综复杂的

In France, many buildings have intricate designs even in a spire.在法国,连许多建筑物的尖顶都有着错综复杂的设计。

166 intrude = force, obtrude 把…强加在;强迫

He intruded his opinion upon us.


167 irrelevant = unrelated 不相干的

This comment is irrelevant to our major problem.这个意见和我们的主要问题无关。

168 jeopardize = endanger 危及,危害

The new railway construction jeopardized the survival of some

species like salamanders.


169 join = link, meet, connect 连接,接合

Shootings never stop on the border where the two countries join.在两国交界的边境地区,战火从来没有停止过。

170 juncture = occasion, critical point 特定时刻,关头

This outstanding theory should be accepted at this juncture.在此关头,这个重要理论应该得到认可。

171 launch = start 发动,发起,开始进行

The police launched an investigation to find the suspect.警察展开调查寻找疑犯。

172 leading to = guiding to, directing to 通到,通往,通向

The riverside path is leading to a small chapel.


173 lethal = deadly 致命的,致死的

Taking a lethal dose of sleeping pills is not allowed in any case.


174 likelihood = probability 可能(性)

There is a strong likelihood of declaring an emergency.宣布进入紧急状态的可能性很大。


175 linger = remain 继续存留

Her sweet voice lingers on my ear.她甜美的声音萦绕在我的耳畔。

176 lucid = clear 表达清楚的,易于理解的

The strength of her poems lies in lucid explanation.她诗歌的长处在于解释清晰明了。

177 lucrative = profitable 能赚大钱的,利润丰厚的

Mobile phone business is one of the lucrative sectors these days.移动电话业务是当今利润丰厚的行业之一。

178 luminous = glowing, lucent 发光的

There are hundreds of luminous stars in a mysterious shape.成百上千发光的星星组成了一个神秘的形状。


179 maintain = sustain, continue 保持;维持

The U.S. government imposed a high tariff on foreign products to maintain profitability.美国政府为了保持盈利对外国产品征收高额关税。

180 mammoth = huge, gigantic 巨大的,庞大的

These mammoth corporations are being secretly scrutinized.这些庞大的企业正在被秘密地审查。

181 manipulate = control 操纵,控制

The media is manipulating public opinion.媒体在操纵民意。

182 manual = hand-operated, non-automatic 用手操作的

I like this car because it comes with a manual gearbox.我喜欢这辆车,因为它配有一个手动变速箱。

183 magnify = enlarge 放大

This newly produced microscope can magnify objects 600 times.这种新生产的放大镜可以将物体放大600倍。

184 mimic = copy, mime 模仿

A parrot has a gift for mimicking the human voice.鹦鹉具有模仿人类声音的天赋。

185 minute = tiny 极小的

Many satellites measure minute movements of the planets revolving around the sun.许多人造卫星在测量太阳系行星的微小运动。

186 mirror = reflect 反映

The gloomy mood is mirrored in his writing style.沮丧的情绪在他的写作风格中反映出来。

187 misleading = deceptive, inaccurate 误导人的

The newspaper article about the current issue was misleading.报纸上关于这件时事的文章具有误导性。

188 mock = imitate, pretend 嘲笑;(模仿)取笑

All tenants mocked the owners way of speaking.所有的房客都嘲笑房东说话的方式。

189 model = example, framework 典范

Nelson Mandela is a great model for us to learn the true spirit of cooperative governance.尼尔逊· 曼德拉是我们学习合作治理之真正精神的伟大典范。

190 modification = alternation 修改,更改,改变

Our website urgently needs modification in design.我们的网站在设计上急需修改。

191 moreover = in addition 此外,而且

Eliminating monopoly is an indispensable process. Moreover it is the

most crucial of all.



192 mundane = ordinary, routine 平凡的;世俗的

This book only gives us mundane explanations about love.关于爱,这本书只给了我们平凡的解释。

193 myriad = innumerable 无数的,不计其数的

Myriad stars are illuminating in the sky.夜空中闪耀着无数的星星。


194 necessary = required, indispensable 必要的,必不可少的

It is a necessary step to publish his autobiography posthumously.在他死后出版他的自传是必要之举。

195 needless to say = certainly 不用说,当然

Needless to say, both money and time are crucial factors.不用说,时间和金钱都是至关重要的因素。

196 notable = remarkable, conspicuous 显要的;值得注意的

Jackson is a notable figure in the history of baseball.杰克逊是棒球史上的一个显要人物。

197 nomadic = wandering 游牧(生活)的;流浪的

The nomadic life made him wander restlessly.游牧生活使他不停地四处游荡。

198 novice = beginner 初学者

At a novice level of English, students should try to read as many sentences as possible.具备初级英语水平的学生应该尽量地多读句子。


199 obscure = unclear, vague 费解的

The meaning of his recorded message was obscure.他记录的信息意思令人费解。

200 obsolete = out of use, disused 过时的

Many jobs have become obsolete because of advanced technology.由于具有先进的技术,许多工作已经过时。

201 obstacle = impediment, obstruction 障碍,阻碍,妨碍

Lack of flexibility is an obstacle to world peace.缺乏灵活性是世界和平的一个障碍。

202 obstruct = hinder, impede 妨碍;阻塞

The heavy snow obstructed our view when we drove.大雪妨碍了我们开车时的视线。

203 opaque = unclear, incomprehensible 不透明的

If an object or substance is opaque, its impossible to see through it.


204 opponent = adversary, opposer 对手,敌手

His opponent seemed invincible in a fight.在对战中,他的对手似乎不可战胜。

205 original = primary, first 原作品的,原版的;(文献等)原件的

This book is the original.这本书是原版。

206 overwhelm = overpower 彻底击败,击溃(军队)

The guerilla troops overwhelmed the army.游击队击溃了大军。

207 paradoxical = ironically contradictory 自相矛盾的

It may sound paradoxical, but you will feel more energetic after



208 peak = maximum, best, summit, crest 高峰,顶点

The boom in apartment construction has passed itspeak.建造公寓住宅的高峰已经过去。

209 perception = viewpoint, standpoint 看法

Politics is a source of friction in my family because we all have

different perceptions.


210 perilous = dangerous, hazardous 非常危险的

Perilous chemicals spread across this region during the war.


211 peripheral = outer 外围的,周边的

Our body consists of the peripheral nervous system and the central

nervous system.


212 perpetual = eternal, everlasting 永恒的,永久的

Peace is human beings perpetual wish.


213 permeate = infiltrate, interpenetrate 弥漫,渗入

The odd ordor permeated through the office before the fire alarm

went out.


214 pious = religious, sacred, spiritual (对宗教)虔诚的

His mother, who is a pious woman, always tries to help senior citizens

who live alone.


215 philanthropy = charity, benevolence 慈善行为

Philanthropy means to promote human welfare.


216 pioneer = innovate, initiate 开创

Many biologists pioneered medical science since the secret of DNA

was revealed.


217 portion = part, constituent 一部分

Only a small portion of the project was done by amateurs.


218 posit = assume, postulate 假定;认为

The economist posited that the financial crisis would affect all sectors

in France.


219 potential = possibility, capability, capacity 潜力,潜能

Many students are studying hard in order to realize their potential.


220 predominant = chief, prime, prevailing 最普遍的,突出的

Aging has become one of the predominant concerns in many

developed countries.


221 preeminent = superlative, paramount, outstanding,

foremost 卓越的,杰出的,超群的

Some of the undergraduate business students are struggling to go to

preeminent business schools.


222 prey = quarry, game, target 猎物

Cheetahs run at the speed of about 100 km/h to catch their prey.


223 principle = rule 行为准则

Principles are basic things that are based for reasoning and also

accepted as true.


224 primitive = archaic, undeveloped, rudimentary 原始


In Neolithic period, primitive types of agriculture were done.


225 proficient = adept, skillful 精通的,熟练的

Being proficient in a specific field requires a long period of time.


226 programmed = determined, set 为(计算机)编制程序

The main difference between robots and humans is that robots are

only programmed.


227 prohibit = forbid, prevent, inhibit 禁止

Alcohol isprohibited in this stadium.


228 prolong = extend, protract 延长,拉长

They prolonged the war for unknown reasons.


229 prospective = future, anticipated 未来的,预期的

The university invests a large amount of money to prospective



230 protrude = bulge, pop out, stick out 凸出,伸出

Toads and frogs are amphibians that have protruding eyes.


231 promote = encourage, boost, advance 促进,增进

Marketing strategies promote consumers to purchase new products.


232 prowess = excellent skills, talents 高超技艺

Some artists show prowess at an early age.


233 proximity = nearness 接近,临近

For a long time, a proximity of relationship has been avoided.



234 render = present, bestow, provide 提供,给予

Some shops render free service to customers.


235 reinforce = strengthen 强化(观点、思想或感觉),加强

Desirable behaviors are reinforced if parents give rewards to their children.



236 retain = keep, reserve, contain 保留,保有

The town retains an old-fashioned charm.


237 rotate = turn, circumvolve, revolve (使)旋转,(使)转动

The earth rotates on its axis.


238 roughly = approximately 粗略地,大致上

The charity needs roughly over 100 volunteers.


239 roving = wandering 漫游

Some birds are roving to find an adequate nesting place.


240 scanty = insufficient, meager 不足的,不够的

Some people only have scanty earnings after they retire.


241 scope = range 范围

The police decided to extend the investigations scope.


242 scrutinize = inspect, audit 详审,仔细检查

The IAEA scrutinized the possibility that North Korea had anuclear

bomb in the area.


243 secure = safe, protected 安全的;牢靠的

Most constructions are secure from earthquakes in Japan.


244 shield = block, screen 保护,保卫

The protective system can shield the potential threat from Iraq.


245 shudder = tremor, shiver 打颤,颤抖

The terrifying scene on TV made the audiences shudder.


246 simultaneously = at the same time 同时发生地

Two paleontologists reached the same conclusion simultaneously.


247 sole = only 唯一的,仅有的

Love is the sole value that is cherished by all humans for centuries.


248 solitary = lonely 单独的,无伴的

No solitary exceptions are applied.


249 source = origin, supplier 来源,出处

Milk is the main source of calcium and protein.


250 spectator = witness, viewer 观众

All spectators were excited with enthusiasm and optimism.


251 sphere = area 范围,领域

Brains have different specialized spheres that regulate diverse



252 sporadic = irregular, intermittent 零星的

Malaria does not show any sign of sporadic spots on the skin.


253 spottily = occasionally 偶尔

Volcano eruptions are observed spottily from satellite pictures.


254 standard = criterion 标准

Nothing can measure up to his standard.


255 statue = figure 雕像;塑像

The statue commemorates many brave soldiers heroism.


256 stimulate = prompt, stir, induce 促使,刺激

Students are stimulated to work harder when they are encouraged.


英语二阅读同义词连载十:257 sturdy = hardy, stout 结实的

Sturdy stalks are not easily broken or damaged.


258 subconscious = without any awareness 下意识的,潜意识的

Dreams show us our subconscious mind.


259 subsequently = consequently, afterwards 后来,随后

The stock market was in a gloomy mood, and subsequently people

turned to more real estates to invest their money


260 substantially = considerably, significantly 相当地,大量


Whether a candidate has an extensive human network is substantially important to be a CEO.


261 substitute = replace 替代,顶替

There is nothing to substitute parents in this world.


262 surplus = extra, redundant, spare, superfluous 剩余的,多余的

The surplus items are accumulated in a warehouse.


263 supplemented to = added to 补充

There should be more explanation that can be supplemented to this theory.


264 sustain = uphold, keep up 承受(重量),支撑

This building cannot sustain the weight of the roof.


265 swamp = marsh 沼泽(地)

Some reptiles live in swamps while others inhabit desert regions.


266 swarm = team, herd 成群结队地移动

Bees are swarming around the beautiful red roses.


267 swift = quick 迅速的;立刻的

When avalanches occur, we need a swift reaction.


268 symmetry = balance, proportion 对称;相似;相等

Two countries agreed to have a symmetry in their arms.


269 synthetic = man-made, manufactured 合成的,人造的

A synthetic detergent is much more effective to do laundry.


270 tactile = tactual 触觉的

The fabric that is tactile gives me a good nights sleep.


271 tempting = appealing, enticing, luring 诱人的,吸引人的

Tempting proposals are hard to resist.


272 tenacious = determined 坚持的;坚韧不拔的

In spite of the hardship, they were tenacious to reach their goals.


273 tentative = probationary, provisional 试探性的

Monetary policies already went through tentative processes.


274 terminate = cease, end 结束,终止

The contract will terminate at the end of this year.


275 thrive = flourish, prosper 兴旺,欣欣向荣

The Roman Empire continued to thrive despite the war.


276 throng = pack, pile 众多,大量

He was asked a throng of questions about work in an interview.


277 tie = relation, association, affiliation 关系,联系

The two organizations should build strong ties with each other.


278 toil = work hard 辛苦劳作 ,长时间地苦干

Many laborers always toil in the factory only to be underpaid.


279 tolerate = allow, endure, stand 容忍,容许

Under no circumstanceswill classroom bullying be tolerated.


280 traditionally= conventionally 传统上,按照惯例

Traditionally, bowing in China has been a way of greeting older people.


英语二阅读同义词连载十一:281 transform = convert, shift 使变形,使转化

He transformed the rock into a beautiful sculpture.


282 trigger = initiate 引发,激发

The nuclear bomb might trigger the 3rd World War.


283 turbulent = agitated 骚乱的,动乱的

The international world has become turbulent since the Iraq was attacked.


284 unanimously = consentaneously 一致通过地,无异议地

The board unanimously agreed with his suggestion.


285 unbiased = impartial, unprejudiced, fair 不偏不倚的,公正的

Unbiased administration is necessary to make a competitive company.


286 uniform = even, consistent, unvarying 全部相同的,一致的

A uniform price can not be justified in different situations.


287 unreachable = inaccessible 不能达到的

We spent two nights on a deserted island unreachable by cellphone.


288 uproar = tumult, upheaval 喧器;骚动

The whole nation is in uproar over the tax increase.


289 utility = practicality, usefulness 效用,实用

The students gave feedback on the utility of the new program.


290 variable = inconsistent, changeable 多变的

It is impossible to go rock climbing when the weather is so variable.在天气多变时是不可能去攀岩的。

291 validate = corroborate 证实

His claim was validated by the evidence that the police collected.警方搜集的证据证实了他的说法。

292 veil = conceal, cover 掩盖,遮掩

Human right organizations did not allow the conspiracy to be veiled.掩盖阴谋的行为是人权组织所不能容许的。

293 venture = dare 冒风险

Many IT companies ventured to invest heavily in promotion.许多信息技术公司冒险在促销方面进行大量投资。

294 versatile = adaptable, multitalented 多才多艺的

Mausel is a versatile player in every position.莫塞尔在任何位置都是一名技术全面的运动员。

295 vicinity = area, neighborhood 附近

A market can not be placed in the vicinity of a factory these days.现在,市集不能设在工厂附近。

296 virtually = almost, nearly 几乎,差不多,实际上

Translating this text into Chinese is virtually impossible.把这个文本翻译成中文几乎是不可能的。

297 vocation = call, job, occupation 天职

Mother Teresa believed that taking care of the poor was her vocation.特蕾莎修女认为照顾穷人是她的天职。


298 wield = handle, exert 拥有并使用

God did not let the king wield his power.上帝不让这个国王行使他的权力。

299 withstand = resist, hold out 抵挡,顶住

Leaders should withstand temptation even though they become weak.领导者即便在意志薄弱时,也要抵挡住诱惑。

300 wreck = destroy, break (船只)失事

The Titanic was wrecked after colliding with an iceberg.泰坦尼克号在撞上冰山之后沉入了大海。


