
发布时间:2019-02-27 06:46:23   来源:文档文库   



1. 试验结果表明:陶瓷辊道窑上能很成功地应用该水煤浆燃烧技术,配备相应辅助技术后,能大幅度降低能源消耗,改善操作环境,从根本上解决陶瓷辊道窑的污染问题。

experimental results have proved that the complete technology of cws combustion can reach a sound calcining efficiency and energy saving effect. especially, they can solve the air pollution of the ceramic roller kiln successfully.


2. 据欧洲自由贸易联盟公布的数据,今年长城在俄罗斯的销量大幅下降,仅为1496辆,降幅达到72%,而0708年的销量分别为6238辆和8236辆。

great wall motor aggregately sold 1, 496 cars in russia, with a 72% fall year on year, compared with 6, 238 and 8, 236 units in 2007 and 2008, respectively, according to the european free trade association.

3. 但是在宰恩生前,嘎德忍耶在麦加,麦地那和也门已经很明显地拥有很大的影响力。在宰恩临终前后,卡瓦提耶的影响力也大幅上升。

but throughout az-zayns lifetime the qadiriyya clearly wielded considerable influence in mecca, medina, and the yemen, and by the end of az-zayns life the khalwatiyya, too, had begun their rise to prominence.

4. sonus、思科仍是最强的挑战者张贴大幅增长,将由南分别。

sonus and cisco continue to be the strongest challengers posting substantial growth in nam and emea, respectively.

5. 在新法规中,最高处罚金额从以前国内媒体报道的3万元大幅下调。

the maximum penalty, included in a new draft regulation, was sharply down from 30, 000 yuan previously reported by domestic media.

6. 上世纪80年代和90年代,中部地区对我国粮食增产的贡献率分别为51.1%和87.3%,2001年至2004年在东部地区粮食减产750.6t的严峻情况下,中部地区大幅度增产1889.1t,使我国粮食产量实现恢复性增长。

both planting industry and breed aquatics industry play an important role among whole country.


7. 此外,受到美股暴跌影响,沪指大幅低开,盘中权重股都呈普跌状态,沪指2300点再次遭遇考验,创业板的出台并没有进一步提振沪指。

in addition, be steeped fall by the us stock influence, shanghai points to considerably low, pan zhongquan is heavy show general to drop condition, shanghai points to 2300 a little bit to undergo test again, do poineering work board come on stage and did not carry zhen hu to point to further.

8. 崇明房价的大幅攀升直接原因是房源紧张。

chongming is the direct cause of a big rise in prices of houses tense.

9. 实验结果表明指令缓存配置对指令优化的性能有极大的影响,在系统设计阶段同时考虑指令优化和指令缓存结构将能大幅度地改进指令缓存的性能。

this paper studies the mutual effect of the instruction layout optimization and the instruction memory hierarchy.

10. 大幅

10. 为了使mpeg layer3音频讯号解码器在消费性市场有更大的竞争力,所以本发明提出了低成本的逆修正型余弦转换及重叠相加之快速的演算法,以使其解码过程中所需的运算量能大幅地降低,以提高系统的效能。

in order to have the mpeg layer3 audio signal decoder have more competitive power in the consumer market, the present invention provides a low cost fast algorithm of the inverse-modified discrete cosine transform and overlap-add, so that the quantity of the operation needed in the decoding process can be significantly reduced to enhance the system performance.

11. 本发明能在不损失断裂伸长率的情况下大幅提高拉伸强度,成本低廉、可生物降解。

this invention can substantially increase tensile strength and wont loss extension at break, low cost and is biodegradable.


12. 在进攻盟国之前最好先断交,不然其它国空对你的友好度会大幅降低,你手下将军的忠诚也会降低。

allies before breaking off of diplomatic relations, or other countries friendly to your empty degrees will greatly reduce your loyalty to his generals will reduce.

13. 因此,以2002年为界限,中国迎来了从政府政策性限制、管制转向为政府积极鼓励和扶持政策主导下的企业海外投资蓬勃发展的新时期,尤其是2004年起,受国际能源和矿产资源价格大幅上涨的影响,以海外资源开发为主要目的的海外投资活动更是得到中国政府和有关金融机构的大力扶持。

they simplified the procedures of examining and approving, relax the restriction on foreign exchange for overseas investment, and increased country risk quidance and information support for firmsinvestment decisions. moreover, they gave explicit policy support for financing of firmsoverseas investment, and set policies to solve the problems of risk insurance in overseas investment.

14. 我们已经看到强化的效果--在美国和加拿大的神经管缺陷已经大幅减少。

weve seen in the u. s. and canada dramatic changes in neural tube defects just with fortification.


15. 萨布里说,中东地区航空公司面临的最严峻问题是运力可能大幅增加而需求逐渐萎缩。

sabri said that the middle east airlines are facing the most serious problem are likely to increase capacity and shrinking demand.


16. 去年,油价经历了最为大幅的下跌,从去年7月每桶115美元的峰值骤跌至12月的最低点。

the plunge of $115 in the price of oil from its peak last july to its nadir in december was the most precipitous the world has ever seen.

17. 用氮氢混合气作气源,不含稀土的cu-fe系催化剂活性大幅度下降。

the yield greatly decreases when the reduction is carried out under the mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen.

18. 模型小鼠在抗体注射4h血小板数量大幅降低,维持在低水平达44h48h后开始恢复,至144h6天)数量达到最高点,其后又经过一个小的降升循环,在408h14天)后恢复到初始水平。

d antibody injection within 4 h, maintained at the mini-mum level for a period of 44 h, started to rebound after 48 h, and reached to the maximum at 144 h (6 days). final homeostasis reached at approximately 408 h (17 days), following a minor cycle of platelet number fluctuation.

19. 大幅

19. 你不仅得到了大幅度降低价格,但你也可以利用我们瞬间籍图。

not only are you getting a significantly reduced price, but you can also take advantage of our instant membership plan.

20. 2从材料的选择,具有的优势对钢结构体系进行综合比较,并从造价、综合经济效益等方面对钢结构住宅进行了技术与经济性分析得出结论:钢结构住宅使用面积比钢筋混凝土住宅增加6%左右,工期大幅度缩减,满足了大跨度建筑需求,特别是优越的抗震性,可回收性,体现了钢结构住宅的综合造价优势;钢结构或钢-混凝土混合结构住宅的直接经济效益主要来自结构施工工期缩短和房屋使用面积率提高的优势,并且随着住宅层数增加,效益增加越明显。

from the material choice, the superiority which has carries on the synthesis comparison to the steel structure system, and from the construction cost, aspects and so on synthesis economic efficiency has carried on the technology and the efficient analysis to the steel structure housing draws the conclusion: the steel structure housing use area ratio reinforced concrete housing increases about 6%, the time limit for a project reduced large scale, has met the great span construction need, specially the superior anti-knocking property, the recoverability, has manifested the steel structure comprehensive construction cost superiority; the steel structure or the steel - concrete composite structure housing direct economic efficiency mainly comes from the structure construction time limit for a project to reduce with the house useable area rate enhancement superiority, and increases along with the housing layer, the benefit increases obviously.

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