幼儿英语教案 颜色

发布时间:2020-05-11 22:50:08   来源:文档文库   



  Teaching key points

  A 认识几种常见的颜色

  B 鼓励幼儿积极参与游戏,大胆开口说英语

  C 提高幼儿对英语的理解能力及反应能力

  D Wordsorange purple brown

  Sentenceswhat color is itIt"s …

  Teaching preparation:小白兔头饰一个、篮子一个、透明瓶子二个、橙色、紫色颜料、咖啡、抽纸玩具、各种颜色的花若干、蝴蝶头饰若干、VCD

  Teaching procedure


  TGood morning, boys and girls. What day is today?

  SGood morning, Miss Lin. It"s Wednesday.

  TWhat"s the weather like today?

  SIt"s raining.

  TYes, it"s raining now. The floor is wet. Let"s sing the song "weather".


  (A rabbit carrying a basket is jumping into the classroom

  THello, little rabbit. What"s the matter with you

  RHello, Miss Lin. I"m very tired. I"m very thirsty.

  THere is some water for you.

  RNo, I don"t like to drink water. I like orange juice.

  TOrange juice. OK. Let me practice magic. But first you may tell us what color orange juice is

  ROrange juice is orange.

  TOK. Please say "orange" together.

  (teacher and children say "orange" together while teacher shake the bottle

  TLook, here is a bottle of orange juice. What color is it

  SOrange. / Orange juice is orange. / It"s orange.

  TYes it"s orange (Face to little rabbit). Here you are.

  RThank you (little rabbit pretended to drink). Yummy, Yummy, I like to drink grape juice too.

  TGrape juice. Boys and girls, do you know the color of grape juice? (No) Let"s ask little rabbit.

  T&SWhat color is it

  RIt"s purple. Grape juice is purple.


  SPurple (Teacher shakes the bottle).

  TOH, grape juice. Do you want to drink


  TTell me what color is it?

  SIt"s purple. Grape juice is purple.

  TDo you like orange juice(Yes)

  Do you like grape juice(Yes)

  I like coffee. What color is coffeeIt"s not orange. It"s not purple. It"s brown.

  (Point to children"s clothes. Where is brownPlease show us.

  SHere is brown. It"s brown. (Guide them to answer.)

  (Review the other colors in the same way)

  3Play toy

  TI have a toy here. It"s very funny. Do you want to play

  SYes, I do.

  TIt can change color. What color is itAsk me, please.

  SWhat color is it?(Teacher show them one kind of colors

  TIt"s orange.

  (Boys ask, girls answer. And then, girls ask, boys answer.)

  4GameColorful flowers

  TLook, here are so many beautiful flowers. beautiful?

  SYes, they are beautiful.

  TAre they colorful?

  SYes, they are colorful.

  TWhat color are they?(point to the flowers one by one

  SIt"s red / yellow / pink.

  They are orange / purple / white.Guide children to answer

  TWho is coming


  TI"m a butterfly. I can fly here and there. I like flowers.

  TCan you fly like a butterfly?(Yes Do you like flowers?(Yes.Do you want to play a game

  SYes, I do.

  T(Some of you imitate to be flowers, some


《幼儿英语教案 颜色.doc》
