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THE GRE 同反义字

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Adj. (1) p.93-101 Synonyms

1. 可鄙的 despicable, contemptible
可尊敬的 venerable, revered, reverend, reverential, honorable, admirable, estimable

2. 可分辨的 discernible, perceptible, appreciable, detectable, observable, palpable, sensible, tangible
不可分辨的 imperceptible, impalpable, inappreciable, insensible, intangible, subtle, elliptical,

3. 易受骗的 gullible, credulous, naive, susceptible
精明的 astute, shrewd; 警觉的 wary

4. 易怒的 irascible, choleric, testy, touchy, irritable, peevish, petulant
脾气好的 good-natured, even-tempered

5. 易塑形的 malleable, plastic, adaptable, ductile, moldable, pliable, pliant, supple
僵硬的 rigid, stiff, incompliant, inelastic, inflexible, unbending, unyielding

6. 温顺的 tractable, amenable, docile,
顽固的 balky, headstrong, unmanageable, willful; obstinate, mulish, refractory, unruly

7. 坚定的 adamant, inflexible, obdurate, rigid, unbendable, unbending, uncompromising, unswayable, unyielding, immobile, immovable
让步的 yielding; 犹豫动摇的 moved, vacillatory, irresolute

8. 顽抗的recalcitrant, refractory, contumacious, unruly, fractious, indomitable, intractable, undisciplined, ungovernable, unmanageable, obstinate, stubborn; opposing, resisting, withstanding
顺从的 amenable, obedient, docile, tractable

9. 敌意的inimical, unfriendly, hostile
友善的amiable, amicable, amenable

10. 善变的mercurial, whimsical, fickle
不变的constant, abiding, clinging, enduring, lasting, persistent, persisting

11. 挥霍的prodigal, profligate, extravagant, dissipated, lavish, improvident; spendthrift
慷慨的generous, munificent, (noun)largesse
节约的frugal, provident, (noun)husbandry
吝啬的parsimonious, miser, mean

12. 喧哗的 blatant, vociferous, boisterous, clamorous, obstreperous; 明显的 obvious, apparent, distinct, evident, manifest, palpable, patent; obtrusive
不明显的 subtle, inconspicuous; unimpressive, unobtrusive

13. 可怕的 formidable, redoubtable, fearful, appalling, awful, dreadful, frightful, horrible, horrific, shocking, terrible, terrific ; 困难的 hard, arduous, difficult, labored, laborious, strenuous, toilsome, tough

14. 爱讲话的 voluble, loquacious, garrulous
沉默寡言的 taciturn, reticent; 简洁的 laconic, succinct, terse, pithy

15. 冗言的redundant wordy, diffuse, prolix, tautological, verbose, windy,
简洁的 brief, compendious, curt, laconic, succinct, summary, terse, pithy

16. 陈旧平凡的 banal, trite, stale, threadbare, timeworn
创新的 novel, original; 有吸引力的arresting

17. 虚构的 chimerical, imaginary, fancied, fanciful, fictitious, imagined
真实的 genuine, true, actual, real

18. 巨大的colossal, huge, gargantuan, gigantic, immense, mammoth, prodigious, titanic, tremendous, vast
小的tiny, minuscule; infinitesimal, microscopic

19. 短暂的 ephemeral, transient, evanescent, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, momentary, passing, short-lived, transitory, temporary,
永久的 endless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, lasting, perpetual, permanent

20. 轻盈的 ethereal, heavenly; 无实体的unsubstantial; 纤细薄弱的filmy, gossamer; delicate, fragile
重的 heavy, ponderous; 有实体的material, substantial

21. 青翠的 verdant, lush, luxuriant
干枯的 sere; 草木不生的sterile; 贫瘠的barren, infertile

22. 辅助的 ancillary, auxiliary, supplementary
主要的chief, preponderant (占优势的)

23. 有益的salutary, salubrious, wholesome
有害的deleterious, harmful, damaging, detrimental, hurtful, injurious, nocuous

Adj. (2) p.102-112 synonyms By 方有毅

1. 难懂得 abstruse, recondite
易懂得 accessible, patent, explicit, perspicuous

2. 大量的 ample, abundant, bounteous, bountiful, copious, plentiful
少量的 meager, scant

3. 适当相关的 apposite, relevant, germane, pertinent, (时机) opportune
不当无关的 inappropriate, extraneous, immaterial, irrelevant, impertinent; inconvenient

4. 渴望的 avid, eager, agog; covetous, craving
冷漠的 indifferent; 厌恶的averse

5. 华丽的 baroque, ornate, flamboyant, florid, rococo

6. 暗中偷偷的 clandestine, secret, covert, furtive, stealthy, surreptitious
坦率公开的aboveboard, forthright, straightforward, open

7. 整洁的 dapper, neat, natty, smart, spruce, prim, shipshape
脏乱的frowsy, slovenly, slipshod, squalid, tatty, unkempt, untidy, dingy, grimy, dowdy, shabby, greasy, messy

8. 轻浮的 frivolous, flippant
认真的earnest, grave, sober, solemn, seriousness; 端庄的demure, decent, reserved

9. 透明的 diaphanous, transparent, translucent, limpid
透明的opaque, murky

10. 可怕的 dire, ghastly, grisly, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, horrifying, lurid, macabre, terrible, terrifying; appalling, awful, dreadful

11. 公正的 disinterested, unbiased, impartial, detached, neutral, dispassionate
偏见的jaundiced, partial, partisan, prejudiced, prepossessed, tendentious, warped

12. 相等的 commensurate, comparable, tantamount, equal ; similar, alike
相异的disparate, dissimilar, divergent, diverse

13. 沮丧的 dispirited, downcast, dejected, depressed, disconsolate, downhearted
活泼的 buoyant, sprightly, effervescent, expansive

14. 胖的 obese, corpulent, plump, rotund
瘦的 emaciated, spindly, gangly, gangling, lanky; 苗条的svelte; 憔悴的haggard

15. 和解 rapprochement, reconciliation
交恶 estrangement; 报复reprisal

16. 平淡无味的 flat, dull, insipid, bland, vapid
味道刺激的 pungent, piquant, poignant, zesty, tangy

17. 具敏锐观察力的 insightful, acute, keen, perspicacious, discerning
愚钝的obtuse, dull, blunt

18. 勇敢的 brave, audacious, aweless, bold, courageous, dauntless, doughty, gallant, heroic, intrepid, nervy, plucky, stalwart, stout, stouthearted, valiant, valorous  
害怕胆怯的 apprehensive, timid, timorous, fainthearted, craven, pusillanimous, unmanly; diffident

19. 快活的 jocose, jocund, jolly, jovial, cheerful, sportive, blithe; 乐观的sanguine
郁闷的 morose, sullen, crabbed, dour, dreary, gloomy, saturnine, sulky, surly

20. 笨拙的 awkward, clumsy, gauche, inept, maladroit, ungainly
敏捷的 lissome, lithesome, lithe; 熟巧的adroit, adept

21. 顺从的 pliant, amenable, docile, tractable, acquiescent, compliant, submissive, yielding, subservient
顽抗的balky, obstinate, pertinacious, incorrigible, insubordinate, intransigent, recalcitrant, refractory, uncontrollable, ungovernable, unruly, contumacious, rebellious; contrary, perverse, wayward, willful; headstrong,

22. 污染的 tainted, contaminated, spoiled, squalid
纯净的pristine, pure

23. 挥霍的 prodigal, dissipated, extravagant, lavish, profligate
吝啬的parsimonious, stingy, miserly, penurious, mean; 节约的frugal, provident, sparing, thrifty; husband (v.), husbandry (n.)

24. 平凡的 ordinary, pedestrian, quotidian, commonplace, prosaic
不平凡的unusual, extraordinary, exceptional, phenomenal, remarkable

25. 红润的 rubicund, ruddy, roseate, sanguine
苍白的pale, pallid, wan

26. 迟钝 torpor, stupor; 懒散lethargy, dullness, languor, lassitude
活力 vigor, animation; 热心zeal, fervor

27. 陈旧的 trite, banal, threadbare, stale, timeworn, shopworn, clichéd, stereotyped, derivative, pastiche (n.)
创新的original, fresh, inventive

28. 冗长的 verbose, tautological, redundant, superfluous, wordy, diffuse, long-winded, prolix, windy; 爱讲话的voluble, loquacious
简洁的 terse, laconic, succinct, pithy, sententious, aphoristic, concise

29. 善变的 volatile, mercurial, capricious, whimsical, fickle
不变的constant, stable, unaltered

虚弱的 effete, weak
活力健壮的 energetic, vivacious, lusty, hale

Adj. (3) p.113-121 synonyms By 方有毅

1. 污染的 tainted, corrupt, polluted; 弄脏 taint, contaminate besmear, besmirch, blur, defile, smear, smudge, soil, stain, sully, tar, tarnish
纯洁的 pristine, unspoiled

2. 夸耀 vaunt, boast, brag, gasconade
贬低 belittle, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, disparage

3. 精力充沛的 ebullient, agitated, exuberant
安静的placid; 无活力的 torpid, lifeless, impassive

4. 贫穷的indigent, penurious, destitute, impecunious, impoverished
富裕的affluent, opulent

5. 放纵的indulgent, sybaritic, indulgent, voluptuous, luxurious
节制的abstemious, abstinent, continent, temperate, moderate; 禁欲ascetic, self-denial(n.), Spartan

6. 短暂的evanescent, ephemeral, transient, transitory, fleeting, meteoric
持久的abiding, enduring, lasting, eternal, permanent, perpetual

7. 严厉的inclement, draconian, severe, brutal, harsh, intemperate, rigorous, inexorable
仁慈的altruistic, benevolent, charitable, eleemosynary, humane, humanitarian, philanthropic

8. 大胆无礼的insolent, impudent, audacious, bold, brazen
礼貌的polite, courteous, urbane

9. 潜伏的latent, dormant
明显的patent, manifest, apparent, distinct, evident, obvious, palpable, salient, conspicuous, prominent

10. 慷慨munificent, liberal, generous, bountiful (abundant)
节约provident, frugal, sparing, thrift, chary
挥霍profligate, prodigal, lavish, dissipated, extravagant, spendthrift
吝啬miserly, stingy, parsimonious, mean, tightfisted, niggardly

11. 明显可了解的patent, accessible, bare;
难了解的occult, abstruse, recondite, unfathomable; 细微nuance, subtle

12. 相关的pertinent, relevant, germane, apposite
无关的irrelevant, extraneous, inappropriate, immaterial

13. 刺激的pungent, piquant, tangy, zesty, acrid
无味的bland, insipid, vapid, flat, dull

14. 热情fervor, zeal, ardor, enthusiasm; perfervid, impassioned, ardent, fervent, vehement
冷漠indifference; apathetic, impassive, dispassionate, insensible

15. 香味的redolent, fragrant, aromatic, perfumed
恶臭unscented; fetid, putrid, rancid, malodorous; stench

16. 睿智sapient, sagacious, politic, judicious

17. 愚蠢fatuous, asinine, foolish, silly; puerile

18. 刺耳的strident, harsh, discordant, grating, raspy, jarring, cacophonous
悦耳的euphonious, dulcet, mellifluous, melodious

19. 美味的ambrosial, savory, palatable

20. 严谨的stringent, tight, constricted
松弛的lax, loose, slack

21. 残酷的truculent, ferocious, cruel, savage
仁慈的humane, kind, benevolent

22. 有毒的virulent, poisonous, venomous, toxic; 恶意的malicious, malignant
有益健康的salubrious, salutary, wholesome

23. 有害的baleful, baneful, pernicious; foreboding evil, ominous, portentous; bale (=sorrow)
有益健康的salubrious, salutary, wholesome

24. 后悔的rueful, penitent, remorseful; 不满足的discontent, malcontent; 悲哀的doleful, dolorous, lamentable, lugubrious, mournful, plaintive, sorrowful, woeful
不后悔的impenitent; 快乐的mirthful, merry, blithe, blithesome, festive, gay, gleeful, jocund, jolly, jovial, lighthearted

25. 夸大的bombastic, pompous, hyperbolic, grandiloquent, magniloquent; diffuse, long-winded, prolix, rambling, voluble, wordy
简洁的laconic, terse, succinct, pithy, compendious

26. 普遍的catholic, comprehensive, universal; ecumenical, cosmopolitan
狭窄的narrow, provincial, diocesan, insular

27. 困倦的lethargic, drowsy, sluggish
活力的vigorous, dynamic, energetic, lusty, vital, exuberant

28. 冷静不冲动的phlegmatic, unexcitable, impassive, apathetic, stoic, stolid, aloof, indifferent, unconcerned; lethargic, sluggish, torpid
兴奋的ebullient, spirited, vivacious, lively, animate, animated, keen, sprightly, vibrant, zesty; frolicsome, playful, sportive; exuberant, effervescent, high-spirited

29. 多产的prolific, fruitful, productive
贫瘠的barren, sterile

30. 平凡无想象力的prosaic, dull, unimaginative, quotidian, pedestrian
非凡有想象的imaginary, extraordinary, exceptional, exciting

31. 易怒的splenetic, irascible, petulant, irate, peevish, choleric, bilious
和蔼的genial, affable, courteous

32. 谄媚sycophantic, fawning, obsequious; toady
傲慢自大imperious, arrogant, bumptious, insolent

33. 巨大titanic, colossal, enormous, gargantuan, immense, vast, huge, mammoth
微小tiny, minuscule; infinitesimal, microscopic

34. 挑剔carping, caviling, nitpicking, fastidious, finicky

35. 衰弱,枯萎flagging, wizened, withered, wilt
繁盛thriving, blooming, prosperous, 充满生机vibrant

36. 轻浮善变skittish, frivolous, fickle, capricious, whimsical, mercurial, volatile; 易惊吓easily frightened

37. 幽默玩笑waggish, bantering, jocular, jocose
严肃serious, earnest; 端庄 demure, modest, reserved; 不乐saturnine, morose, lugubrious

38. 无益bootless, useless, futile, abortive, ineffective, hamstrung, unprofitable

39. 大胆的dauntless, intrepid, plucky, nervy, daredevil, magnanimous
胆怯craven, pusillanimous, cowed, spineless; 柔顺,无胆的 meek
使胆怯daunt, boggle, cow; 使惊吓appall; 使困窘abash, faze
使壮胆hearten, embolden, nerve

Adj. (4) p.122-130 Synonyms By 方有毅

1. 节制的 Abstemious - abstinent, continent, temperate, sober;
禁欲的 self-abnegating, self-denying; ascetic, austere; sparing
贪婪的 avaricious (n2), greedy, rapacious, voracious; covetous
享乐放纵的 epicurean, hedonistic; sybaritic, voluptuous, licentious, dissolute; gluttonous

2. 勤勉的 Assiduous - diligent, sedulous
疏怠散慢 remiss, desultory, sluggish

3. 吵闹的 Boisterous - rowdy; rambunctious, obstreperous, restive
安静平静的 quiet, quiescent, tranquil, serene

4. 善变的 Capricious - whimsical; mercurial, volatile, fickle, skittish, ready
稳定不变的 steadfast

5. 大量的 Copious - plentiful, abundant, ample, bounteous, bountiful, generous, liberal, plenty, profuse
稀少的 Exiguous, scant, scanty, scrimpy, spare, sparse; slender, slight, slim, tenuous, thin

6. 好争论的 Disputatious - 1: contentious 2: controversial

7. 灵巧的 Dexterous - adroit, deft, adept;
笨拙的 maladroit, awkward, clumsy, gauche

8. 开玩笑的 Facetious - jocular, jocose, bantering, waggish
严肃的 serious, earnest;
悲伤难过的 Lugubrious - doleful, rueful, mournful; morose, saturnine

9. 挑剔的 Fastidious - finicky, carping, demanding, exacting; captious
马虎的 cursory, uncritical

10. Fractious - 难控制的1: Unruly, rambunctious, indocile, indomitable, intractable, recalcitrant
易怒的2: Irritable, fretful, peevish, petulant, irascible, sulky, apoplectic, splenetic, choleric: apoplectic

11. 可怕的 Grisly - formidable, redoubtable, eerie, dire, macabre, ghastly, gruesome, hideous

12. 纯真坦率的 Guileless - artless, ingenuous, naïve, unaffected, unschooled, unsophisticated, unstudied; aboveboard, forthright, straightforward
狡猾欺骗的 Wily – sly, artful, cunning, crafty, manipulative, fraudulent ; chicanery

13. 不留心, 不思考的 Heedless - inadvertent, unreflective, remiss
思考过的 Ruminative - cogitative, contemplative, meditative, pensive, pondering, reflecting, reflective, speculative

14. 俗丽的 Meretricious - gaudy, tawdry, garish <> exquisite

15. 模糊的 Nebulous - indistinct, vague, hazy, murky, opaque, ambiguous

清楚的 apparent, clear-cut, distinct, evident, manifest, obvious, palpable, patent, plain, unambiguous, unequivocal

16. 令人厌恶的 Obnoxious - disgusting, repugnant, odious; heinous, opprobrious, abominable
17. 阿谀奉承的 Obsequious - fawning, sycophantic, toadying; smarmy, unctuous
傲慢无礼的 arrogant, bumptious, haughty, imperious, overbearing, supercilious; insolent, audacious, bold, brazen, brassy,
contumelious, impertinent, impudent

18. Penurious - 1:贫穷的 Indigent, impecunious, impoverished 2:吝啬的 Parsimonious, stingy, miserly, tightfisted, niggardly

慷慨的 munificent, generous, liberal; largesse (noun)

19. 不忠背叛的 Perfidious - faithless, disloyal, treacherous; mutinous, insurgent

20. 有害的 Pernicious - deadly; lethal, virulent, baleful, baneful, deleterious, noxious
有益的 Beneficial, salutary, salubrious, wholesome

21. 娇柔做作夸大的 Pretentious - ostentatious, bombastic, pompous, hyperbolic

22. 吉兆的 Propitious - auspicious
恶兆的 Ominous, boding ill, portentous

23. 好斗的 Pugnacious - bellicose, belligerent
和平的 peaceful, pacific

24. 胆小的 Pusillanimous - craven, fainthearted, spineless
大胆的 stouthearted, dauntless, intrepid, plucky; valiance(英勇), temerity(蛮勇)

25. 沙哑刺耳的 Raucous - hoarse; strident, grating, raspy, jarring, cacophonous
悦耳的 euphonious, mellifluous, dulcet

26. 睿智的 Sagacious - discerning, sapient, politic, judicious, witty
愚蠢的 Fatuous - daft, witless, puerile, harebrained
荒谬的 Preposterous - absurd, insane

27. 小心注意细节的Scrupulous (道德) - meticulous(巨细靡遗), punctilious (规矩), discreet (行为) <> remiss

Adj. (5) p.131-141 Synonyms By 方有毅

1. Adept 灵巧的 - adroit, deft, dexterous <> 笨拙的maladroit, gauche, awkward, clumsy, bungling, ungainly

2. Aloof 冷漠的 - unsociable, withdrawn, reclusive

3. Balmy 温和, 仁慈的 - bland, clement, lenient, mild

4. Bogus 假的 - false, forged, faked, counterfeit, spurious, sham <> 真的 genuine, authentic

5. Brazen 大胆无礼的 - audacious, brassy, impudent, insolent, impertinent, barefaced, bold

6. Canny 精明的, 不易受骗的- clever, shrewd, cunning <> 易受骗的 gullible, credulous

7. Chary - 1: 谨慎的circumspect, discreet, wary, gingerly 2: 节约的sparing, frugal, provident, scotch, thrifty

8. Craven 懦弱的 - fainthearted, pusillanimous, tremulous, spineless <>大胆的stouthearted, dauntless, intrepid, plucky; valiance(英勇), temerity(蛮勇)

9. Crestfallen 沮丧的 - hangdog, dejected, downcast, depressed, disconsolate, dispirited, downhearted; morose, saturnine, gloomy, sullen

10. Dank 湿透的 - drenched, saturated, soaked, sodden <> 干的 desiccated, anhydrous

11. Decrepit 衰老的 - feeble, flimsy, fragile, frail, infirm; haggard, worn; aged, old, superannuated

12. Devout 虔诚的- reverent, pious, religious; 热衷的ardent, fervent, fervid, zealous; 敬拜的adoring, revering, venerating, worshiping

13. Dour - 1: 严厉的stern, harsh 2: 顽固的unyielding, mulish 3: 阴郁不乐的gloomy, sullen

14. Droll 好笑的 - LAUGHABLE, comic, comical, farcical, funny, ludicrous, ridiculous, risible

15. Finicky挑剔的 - fastidious, carping, captious

16. Frolicsome 活泼快乐的 - full of gaiety: sprightly, buoyant, frisky, blithe, jocund, jolly, merry; gleeful, hilarious, mirthful; <> 无活力的lethargic, sluggish, torpid; lackadaisical, languid, languorous, listless;
无反应的apathetic, impassive, phlegmatic, stolid;
无聊的boring, irksome, tedious

17. Fulsome 过多令人生厌的 - copious, overdone, effusive; 油腔滑调的unctuous, smarmy

18. Furtive 1偷偷的stealthy, clandestine, surreptitious, covert 2 狡猾的sly - artful, disingenuous, manipulative <> 坦白的candid, 公然的overt

19. Gossamer 轻盈, 无实体的 - extremely light, delicate, or tenuous, ETHEREAL, insubstantial

20. Gruesome 可怕的 - dire, macabre, ghastly, grisly, hideous, appalling, lurid

21. Halcyon 平静的 - peaceful and happy : placid, serene, tranquil <> 骚动的 tumultuous, turbulent

22. Hazy 模糊的 - nebulous, misty, murky <> 透明的 transparent, translucent, pellucid; 清楚的clear-cut, distinct, unambiguous

23. Humdrum 单调的 - droning, pedestrian

24. Loath 厌恶的 - unwilling, averse, uneager

25. Mammoth 巨大的 - colossal, titanic, enormous

26. Maudlin 多愁善感的 - weakly and effusively sentimental : mawkish

27. Meddlesome 爱管闲事的 - officious

28. Noisome 1有害的:unwholesome, insalubrious, insalutary, noxious 2恶臭的: malodorous, fetid, musty, putrid, rancid, rank, stinking

29. Occult 神秘难解的 - abstruse, recondite, mysterious <> 易懂的 easily comprehensible, patent, accessible

30. Paltry 无价值的 - inferior, trashy, trivial

31. Pensive 沉思的 - musingly or dreamily thoughtful, reflective, ruminative

32. Pithy 简洁的 - laconic, terse, succinct, curt, aphoristic, epigrammatic, compendious, reticent, taciturn <> prolix

33. Plaintive悲伤的 - melancholy: doleful, dolorous, lamentable, lugubrious, mournful, rueful, sorrowful, woeful

34. Prolix 冗长的 - tautological, redundant, verbose, circumlocutory, windy, wordy;

35. 爱讲话的loquacious, voluble, garrulous <> pithy

36. Remiss 懈怠,疏忽的 - inattentive, lax, derelict, negligent, heedless <> 勤勉的assiduous, sedulous,
细心的meticulous, punctilious, chary, wary, circumspect

37. Robust 强壮的 - flourishing, hale

38. Ruddy 红润的 - roseate, rubicund, sanguine <> 苍白的pallid, wan

39. Sedulous 勤勉的 - assiduous <> lazy, desultory, remiss

40. Sententious 简洁的 - terse, aphoristic, pithy, succinct, curt, epigrammatic <> prolix

41. Sinister 恶兆的 - ominous, boding ill, portentous <> auspicious, propitious

42. Sultry 闷热的 - sweltering, torrid

43. Sumptuous 奢侈的 - extremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent <> 节制的sober (abstemious)

44. Sundry 各色各样的 - miscellaneous, various

45. Surreptitious 偷偷的 - stealthy, clandestine, furtive, covert <> barefaced, aboveboard, overt

46. Taciturn 沉默寡言的 - reticent <> voluble, loquacious, garrulous

47. Tentative - 1暂时的 temporary, provisional, probationary 2犹豫的 hesitant, vacillatory, uncertain

48. Tremulous 胆小发抖的 - timorous, cowed, craven, pusillanimous

49. Vacuous 愚蠢的 - inane, fatuous, witless

50. Venturous 冒险大胆的 - daring, rash, foolhardy, daredevil, nervy, intrepid, dauntless

51. Viscous 有黏性的 - viscid, glutinous

52. Vituperative 谩骂的 - abusive, opprobrious, scurrilous, invective <> complimentary

53. Voracious 贪婪的 - excessively eager: insatiable, ravenous, rapacious, gluttonous

54. Wanton 调皮的 - mischievous, brattish

55. Wary 谨慎的 - circumspect, chary, gingerly <> 草率的rash, reckless

56. Winsome 吸引人的- engaging; ravishing, transporting, entrancing, enchanting, enrapturing, enthralling, mesmeric 不吸引人的 unprepossessing

Verb (1) p. 147-156 Synonyms By 方有毅

1. 合并, 结合 amalgamate, blend, compound, fuse, meld, mingle, integrate, merge, consolidate; yoke, bond, link

分离 disintegrate, dissolve, isolate, segregate, sunder, avulse

2. 改善 ameliorate, improve, better

使更严重 aggravate, exacerbate, intensify, deteriorate

3. 安抚 conciliate, propitiate (55), mollify (77), pacify, placate, soothe, appease

激怒 exasperate (21), chafe, nettle, bait, enrage, incense, inflame, infuriate, irritate, fume, pique, roil (rile), smart, sulk生闷气, gall使脑火, peeve使气愤, rankle使怨愤; harass, molest, vex 骚扰

4. 咒骂, 谴责 execrate, censure, condemn, denounce, reprehend, reprobate, reprove

赞美 extol, exalt, laud, eulogize; commend, compliment; acclaim, exalt; celebrate, glorify, honor

5. 减轻 mitigate, alleviate, palliate (46), mollify (77)

使更严重 exacerbate, aggravate (20)

6. 减短 truncate, curtail, abridge, abbreviate

延长 elongate, prolong, protract

7. 挫败, 妨碍 frustrate, impede, obstruct, thwart, baffle, foil

协助, 催化 abet; catalyze, precipitate

8. 毁谤 vilify, calumniate, defame, malign, slander, libel, decry, denigrate, diatribe

赞美 extol, exalt, laud, eulogize; commend, compliment; acclaim, exalt; celebrate, glorify, honor

9. 狡计, 欺骗 guile = cunning = chicanery = duplicity

纯真 guileless = ingenuous = naïve = artless = forthright

Verb (2) p.157 – 167 Synonyms By 方有毅

1. 围攻 Beleaguer, besiege 撤军 Retreat, withdraw force

2. 小看 Belittle, disparage 夸耀 Exaggerate, vaunt

3. 减轻 Allay, assuage, console, solace alleviate, , mitigate, palliate

4. 加剧 Exacerbate, aggravate, intensify
增加 Augment, burgeon, magnify, manifold, mount, multiply, rise; elongate, extend, lengthen, prolong, protract; amplify, dilate, distend, expand, swell; accumulate, amass, garner; heighten, enhance; upsurge, wax

5. 减少 Abate, debase, diminish, drain (away), dwindle, lessen, rebate, recede, reduce, taper, abbreviate, abridge, truncate, curtail, retrench, trim; contract, shrink; allay, alleviate, ease, lighten, mitigate; ebb, subside; wane

6. 安抚 Appease, conciliate, propitiate, mollify, pacify, placate, soothe, calm 
激怒 Exasperate, chafe, nettle, bait, gall, incense, inflame, irritate, peeve, pique, rankle, rile, roil, rouse, vex

7. 疏远 Alienate, estrange 合并Coalesce, fuse, amalgamate, blend, merge, band, combine, yoke, conjoin, reunite
撕裂 Tear, rend 修补Repair, mend
支撑 Bolster, truss, strut, buttress

8. 确定 Canvass, ascertain

9. 包含 Encompass, enclose, envelop 排斥Exclude, ostracize, banish, exile

10. 全神灌注 Engross, enrapture, transport 迷住Enthrall, charm, mesmerize, enchant

11. 劝告 Exhort, urge 鼓励 Foster, encourage 刺激Galvanize, stimulate, incite, rouse 督促Goad
阻挠 Stymie, repress, curb 使平静下来Lull

12. 赞美 Extol, laud, eulogize, glorify, hymn, panegyrize 宽恕Condone, pardon
责骂 Berate (rate), censure, condemn, decry, denigrate, denounce, deprecate, detract, execrate, excoriate, impeach, impugn, malign, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold, reprimand, reprehend, revile, vilify, vituperate, upbraid, pan, lambaste,

13. 大量 Glut, Surfeit oversupply 稀少Dearth, scarcity, meagerness, scantiness, paucity

14. 不断要求 Importune, press, urge, request, beg 不断打听Pry 深探Probe

15. 煽动 Incite, instigate, foment, rouse, stir up, spur on, urge on; engender
平息 Quell, quash, squash, squelch, suppress

16. 传送(使成为;提供) Render, transmit, deliver
拯救 Salvage, rescue, save

17. 高贵 Sublime, noble 卑下Base, common, despicable, scurvy

18. 发掘 Unearth, exhume, reveal, debunk, discover 隐瞒Conceal

19. 改变 Veer, change, adapt, alter, modify, mutate, refashion; convert, metamorphose, transform, transmute; diversify, variegate

20. 脱离 Deviate, digress, stray

21. 竞争 Vie, contend, compete, contest

22. 描绘 Depict, limn, delineate, describe

23. 装饰 Embellish, decorate, adorn
点状 Fleck, mottle, speckle, dapple, spot, dot 条纹Striated, groove

24. 上釉 Glaze, 涂漆varnish 磨滑sand 打蜡wax

25. 讲话不清 Babble, Gibber 写不清 Scribble

26. 即席的 Improvised, extemporaneous, offhand, impromptu, spontaneous 计划的Planned, studied

27. 大步慢跑 Lope 冲刺Sprint, dash 拖长音说 Drawl

28. 大喝 Quaff, swill, guzzle, gulp, (imbibe喝水); 小饮sip 大吃Gorge, glut, gobble; 小吃nibble

29. 思索 Muse, ruminative, reflecting, pensive

Verb (3) p. 168 – 177 Synonyms By 方有毅

1. 无目的() saunter, amble, stroll; meander(流浪) prate(); doodle(); browse()

2. 猜测 conjecture, surmise

3. 包裹 swathe, wrap

4. 困窘 abash , discomfit, disconcert, embarrass

5. 痛恨 abhor, abominate, detest, loathe, hate 爱慕 adore 宠爱dote 尊崇admire, esteem 珍惜 appreciate, cherish

6. 烦扰 badger, bother, fret, harass, vex

7. (用甜言蜜语) 哄骗,诱劝 cajole, blandish, coax, wheedle

8. 小反对 cavil, quibble

9. 责骂 berate (rate), censure, condemn, decry, denigrate, denounce, deprecate, detract, execrate, excoriate, impeach, impugn, malign, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold, reprimand, reprehend, revile, vilify, vituperate, upbraid, pan, lambaste

10. 赞美 commend, eulogize, extol, glorify, hymn, laud, magnify, panegyrize

11. 惩罚 chastise, punish 1, castigate, pillory (公开)

12. 分裂 cleave, carve, dissect, dissever, sever, slice, split, sunder
结合 join, link, unite; attach, fasten

13. 轻视 contemn, despise, disdain, disparage, flout, scorn
珍爱 apprize, cherish, prize, treasure, value; 尊崇admire, regard, respect, revere, venerate

14. 畏缩 cower, flinch, quail, recoil, shrink, wince
恐吓 daunt, bully, cow, intimidate; 逞威风strut, swagger

15. 缩短 curtail (truncate), abbreviate, abridge, retrench

16. 延长 prolong, protract

17. 犹豫 demur falter, hesitate, vacillate, waver

18. 掠夺 despoil, devastate, pillage, ravage,

19. 纠缠 embroil, ensnarl, snarl, tangle, entangle, intertwine, interweave, ensnare, snare
脱身 extricate, disentangle, disentwine, untangle

20. 避开 eschew, avoid, malinger(工作), parry(问题), shirk(责任), shun

21. 假装 feign, affect, assume, counterfeit, fake, pretend, sham, simulate

22. 束缚 fetter, shackle, indenture, pinion 释放 release, liberate, loose

23. 慌乱 fluster, discompose, agitate, discombobulate, disquiet, perturb 困惑befuddle, bewilder, muddle

24. 稳重冷静 composed, poised, possessed, self-possessed, imperturbable, unflappable, unruffled, (noun)self-assurance

25. 煽动, 激起 foment, incite, instigate, rouse; engender 平息 quell, quash, squash, squelch, suppress

26. 浪费 fritter, dissipate, squander

27. 否认 gainsay, deny, contradict, contravene, disaffirm, repudiate
证实 affirm, assert, aver, avouch, avow 同意accord, assent, concur, consent

28. 讥笑, 嘲弄 gibe, flout, jibe(又当和睦解), jeer, jest

29. 破坏 impair, blemish, mar, spoil, tarnish, vitiate

30. 改善 ameliorate, better, improve; 修复repair, 修改mend

31. 侵犯, 违犯 infringe, encroach, trespass, transgress, traverse

32. 诱惑 inveigle, lure, allure, bait, decoy, entice, entrap, seduce, tempt

33. 讽刺 lampoon, ridicule, satirize; satire; (adjective) sarcastic, sardonic, ironic

34. 虚弱 languish, feeble, weak, enervate, pine

35. 激怒 nettle, bait, chafe, exasperate, fume, gall, incense, inflame, ire, irritate, nettle, peeve, pique, rankle, rile, roil, rouse, vex 安抚 conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate, propitiate, soothe, calm (v1, 2)

36. 亵渎 profane, blaspheme, desecrate

37. 休会 prorogue, adjourn 集会 convene, convoke, assemble, summon

38. 撤回,撤销 renounce, rescind, repeal, retract, countermand, withdraw

39. 毁谤 revile, vilify, slander, libel, calumniate

40. 吝用 skimp, spare, stint

41. 弄脏 sully, taint, soil, stain, tarnish

42. 分离 sunder, disintegrate, dissolve, isolate, segregate, avulse

43. 合并, 结合 amalgamate, blend, compound, fuse, meld, mingle, integrate, merge, consolidate; yoke, bond, link

44. 阻挠; 阻止 thwart, baffle, balk, check, curb, deter, damp, frustrate, hamper, hinder, impede, inhibit, obstruct, retard, stanch, stymie

45. 协助 abet, aid, assist

46. 奉承 toady, fawn; (adj.)obsequious

47. 放弃 waive, relinquish, abandon, surrender

48. 增加 wax , augment, burgeon, accumulate, amass, garner; heighten, enhance, wax

49. 减少 wane, diminish, drain (away), dwindle, reduce, taper(宽度), retrench(开支), ebb, subside

Noun (1) p.179 – 193 Synonyms By 方有毅

1 精明 acumen, discernment, keenness, perspicacity, shrewdness

愚钝 obtuseness, bluntness

2 喜爱 affinity, affection, attachment, attraction, fondness, liking, leaning, penchant, propensity, predilection

反感, 厌恶 antipathy, aversion, dislike, distaste, repugnance, repellency, repulsion

3 敏捷 alacrity, promptness

拖延dilatoriness, delay, lag, procrastination; 懒惰sluggishness, slothfulness, indolence; 懒散lassitude (also means疲劳fatigue), languor; 犹豫 hesitance, vacillation; 顽抗 recalcitrance

4 沉着, 冷静aplomb, composure, self-confidence, poise, imperturbability, equanimity

慌乱 flustered, discomposed, discombobulated, disquieted

5 适任的apt, fitted, qualified; 适当的 appropriate, felicitous, meet, proper, suitable

笨拙不适的 awkward, clumsy, maladroit, inapt, inept, unlikely

6 热心 ardor, eagerness, enthusiasm, fervor, zeal

冷漠 aloofness, detachment, disinterest, indifference, unconcern

7 刻薄(说话的态度) asperity, inclemency; 粗鲁的 loutish, boorish, churlish

和蔼 blandness, gentleness, mildness, amiability, soothingness

8 大胆 audacious, daredevil, daring, nervy, foolhardy; 大胆无礼brazen, brassy

羞怯 diffident, reserved, coy, self-effacing, timid; 小心谨慎 careful, circumspect, discreet, cautious, chary, wary

9 敬畏 awe, veneration

傲慢 arrogance, insolence, superciliousness; 藐视 contempt, disparagement, scorn

10 懊恼 chagrin
高兴,满足cheerfulness, delight, elation, content, proud satisfaction

11 善变的 capricious, fickle, mercurial, vagarious, volatile, whimsical

不变的 stable, steadfast, pertinacious, constant, resolute, steady, unchanging, uniform, unvarying

12 慎断的 discreet, prudent, chary, circumspect, considerate, gingerly, guarded, wary

草率冲动 rash, reckless, headlong, impetuous

13 有生产力的 fecund (also means有创造力的inventive), productive, prolific

贫瘠的barren, effete, infertile, sterile, unfruitful

14 忠实 fidelity, faithfulness

不忠实disloyalty, faithlessness, perfidy, treachery, untrustworthiness

15 易碎的 frail, fragile, friable

结实的 firm, hard, solid

16 爱讲话的 garrulous, loquacious, wordy

沉默寡言 reticent, taciturn, laconic

17 幻觉 hallucination, illusion, delusion, mirage, 错觉delirium, confusion

18 积恨 rancor, ill-will, enmity, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility

友善amicability, amiability, amity, comity, goodwill, camaraderie

19 蛮勇 temerity, rashness, recklessness

谨慎caution, deliberation, prudence

Noun (2) p.194 – 212 Synonyms By 方有毅

1. 贪婪 avarice, cupidity, avariciousness, avidity, greed, rapacity
慷慨 generosity, largess(e), liberality, munificence; 吝啬parsimony, penuriousness, stinginess, miserliness
挥霍 prodigality, profligacy, extravagance, dissipation

2. 不宽容的 bigoted, intolerant, narrow-minded, insular
心胸开阔的 broad-mined, cosmopolitan

3. 偏见 partiality, bias, prejudice, tendentious, bigot (偏见者)
公正 fairness, justness, disinterestedness

4. 狡计 chicanery, subterfuge, sophistry, duplicity, cunning, guile, trickery
率直 forthrightness, straightforwardness; 诚实honesty, honor, integrity, probity

5. 友善 comity, camaraderie, goodwill, amity, benevolence, friendliness, friendship, kindliness, enmity

6. 厚颜无耻 effrontery, boldness, insolence, presumption
得体decorum; 尊敬deference; 羞怯timidity

7. 谦虚 humble, lowly, meek, modest, unassuming, unobtrusive, unostentatious, unpretentious
傲慢 proud, haughty, arrogant, supercilious, bumptious, imperious; contumely (noun also means 侮辱性的言论 abuse, billingsgate, invective, obloquy)

8. 不关心 nonchalance, unconcern, indifference, insouciance
关心 attention, consideration, thoughtfulness

9. 不忠 perfidious, faithless, disloyal, traitorous, treacherous
忠实 faithful, loyal, staunch

10. 开释无罪 acquit, absolve, discharge, exonerate, exculpate
起诉定罪 accuse, arraign, charge, criminate, impeach, incriminate, indict

11. 赞美 accolade, extol, eulogize, glorify, laud, panegyrize
赞美的CAT反义答案 invective, swearword, cutting remark, denigration, derogation, denunciation, reproach, reproof, criticism, speak ill, pillory

12. 暗示 inkling, allusion, insinuation, innuendo

Noun (3) p. 213-247 Synonyms By 方有毅

1. 赞美 panegyric, encomium, eulogy, tribute, approval, laud, applause, accolade, commendation, compliment
辱骂 abuse, invective, obloquy, vituperation; 批评criticism, critique, faultfinding

2. 反驳refute, disprove, controvert
证实 authenticate, corroborate, justify, substantiate, validate, verify,

3. 报复 reprisal, avengement, retribution, revenge, retaliation, vengeance
和解 rapprochement, harmonizing, reconciliation, reconcilement

4. 沉默寡言reticence, taciturn; 简洁的laconic, succinct
爱讲话的 voluble, loquacious, garrulous

5. 警觉的vigilant, alert, watchful
疏忽的 careless, negligent, remiss

6. 顶点acme, apex, apogee, pinnacle, summit, vertex, zenith
最低点 nadir

7. 连结nexus, bond, connectedness, link
间断 abeyance, hiatus, disconnectedness

8. 幻觉mirage, delusion, hallucination, illusion, phantasm

9. 静的serene, placid, quiescent, tranquil
不安的 agitated, disquieted, upset

10. 大灾难cataclysm, catastrophe

11. enigma, conundrum, mystery, puzzle, puzzlement, riddle

12. 富裕opulence, affluent, wealthy; 奢侈浪费的 lavish, sumptuous

13. 节约frugality, husbandry, providence
挥霍 extravagancy, prodigality, profligacy, sumptuous

14. 稀少dearth, rareness, scarcity, exiguousness, meagerness, paucity, scantiness, pittance
大量 abundance, cornucopia, glut, plethora, plenty, profusion, slew, spate

15. 短暂的transitory, transient, ephemeral, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive

16. 永久的 ceaseless, enduring, everlasting, interminable, permanent, perpetual, unceasing, unremitting

17. 动摇vacillation, fluctuation, oscillation; 犹豫hesitance, reluctance
决心 resolution, determination


